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Download 2006

The following are general pictures from the weekend and events that happened.

And here we have a lesser spotted Owen waking from his slumber complete with hangover

Never send boys to do a mans job...unfortunately we were out of men and had to use these two.

This is the life, sun beer and...eating cold custard out of a can. Nice one Cyrill.

Metallica were awesome on the Saturday night.

While opinions are divided, we thought Guns N Roses were good. And we are never wrong, so nyyyya


Hayd enters the challenge of trying to draw while being slightly inebriated.

The huge bottle fight before Metallica. We had nothing to do with its inception. Nope. Nu-uh, wasn't us.

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©Universally Challenged, Designs, Characters, Ideas and Other Content is owned and copyrighted by Haydn Cartwright and Dave Ball.(2005-2006)

Cartoons By Haydn Cartwright and Dave Ball, Scripts By Dave Ball, Haydn Cartwright

Website design by Mike Holmes ©2005. Questions, queries and suggestions to Many thanks for that dude.

Universally Challenged logo designed by Sarah Maguire. Thanks 'sis :)