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F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Rm30
E) Rm30
R) Ex20
I) In40
P) In40

Health: 110 Karma: 100
Resources: In Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Blending: Rm, Allows Zartan to alter his coloration at will, which effectively allows him to do the following
-be very colorful
-blend into his surroundings
Regeneration: Gd, 1 point/round

Holographic Costume: Rm, This light-bending circuitry allows him to basically utilize the Imitation power though this is boosted by +1cs if Zartan also uses his Blending power while imitating a body.
Assault Rifle: Gd Shooting in a short, controlled burst, +1cs in a fully automatic, ammunition-depleting hail of lead. It's equipped with a starlight scope for a +1cs to any ambush/sniping shots Zartan may attempt. 15 areas
Compound Bow: Ex material, Rm Shooting damage on an unsuspecting foe, using it to shoot through obstacles a body may be hiding behind (trees, building foundations, etc.)
Laser Pistol: Ex Energy, 5 areas
Daggers (x2): In material, Rm Edge

Talents: Bows, Detective/Espionage, Disguise, Languages, Martial Arts A, B, E, Military, Optics, Oriental Weapons, Weapon Specialist: (Compound Bow)

Contacts: Dreadnoks, Cobra