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You're Smiling In Corpsewoods!

The Manor of Corpsewood:
Dec 12,1982

Never have I seen a place of such beauty,even when it is a shadow of what it used to be,a reflection of it's formor self,you don't see the beauty of it, you feel it ...

New Directions from 2009.

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Corpse Woods is a place where two murders took place. The two men that were murdered, Dr. Scudder, and Mr.Odem, were homosexual devilworshippers. It's understandable that peoples imaginations run a bit wild when they go see the remains of the manor. Rumors have it that the place is haunted, of course they are just rumors ... right?
Either way, you can read about those rumors,or you can read about what happened that night on Dec. 12 1982. Both are equally creepy .

*Disclaimer ; I have no intentions of displeasing anyone by the makings of this web site. I believe people should know the truth of what happened on Decemer 12, 1982. The old black and white pictures of the manor are copyrighted by Mother Earth News .

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