Hello there fellow Country Graphics lovers!
Let me introduce myself, I am C'hele....
((short for Michele))
I am also The Hobby Shoppe Graphics "Shoppe Keeper" and Graphics Artist. :)
I started drawing graphics in November of 2000, and I just couldn't help but get addicted to it. Drawing is my new found hobby & stress outlet.....Soon you might find that I spend a lot of time manageing this web site and changing stuff around. I'm a bit of a perfectionest, and I love to tinker with this and that to keep busy....
So please try to only bookmark the first page of this web site, cause I tend to re-route paths to my graphics a lot!
I spend a lot of time drawing stuff, and most of it can be found on this web site. I have started drawing scenic things and some of them might just end up as a page set, but right now the scene's are not for download...sorry.....I just put them up on this web site to show off my new found talent. Some day when I get a few more drawn I can hold a voting and let my visitor's choose which ones I turn in to a web page set. I am new at drawing, but practice makes perfect and I hope you like what I have to offer. I am always up for suggestions or comments on my work of things pertaining to this web site. So if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me! Some day soon I hope to put up my family web site again. But right now, I want to concentrate on my graphics. I always eager to meet those who decide to use my work. So if you are a HSG Graphics user, Please e-mail me and send me a link to your web site, I would love to see how creatively you have put my graphics to use. :) I also put up a message service called Human Click....that way if any of you visitor's need to ask me a question and I am online, it can save you the time of writing me an e-mail and waiting for me to respond. :) Nifty huh?
Well I guess you might wanna know a few more personal things about me right? I mean...that IS the reason you came to this page right? :P
I dont even know where to start, I am not all that great at describing myself, but I will try my best, here goes...
1.) I am a 26 year old "S.A.H.M." of a wonderful little rug rat named Nicholas Ry'Lee. I definitely have my hands full with him cause he is rough, tough, and always going 100 miles per hour! I would almost say he is hyper-active, but has never been diagnosed or anything....but he is one active kid that has enough energy stored in him to supply the entire state of Texas with electricity for about a year non-stopped! :P
2.) I have been married for 3 years...(since - March 2nd,'98) to a Tall, Tan & Handsome man named Jason. He is definately what I consider a Texas Style Tall Drink of Water! Our marriage hasnt always been a bed of roses.....and it isnt the pitts either....We are normal "Joe's" trying to live the american dream with a healthy family, strong morals, a bond of unbreakable strength and love that the three of us have created. Gosh that nearly got mushy! LOL :P
3.) Since I was born in 1975, I was a youngster in the 80's and my father played guitar in several bands that he was a member of, so I had no choice but to learn to sing and fall in love with music. I was in choir in the 6,7,& 8th grade, loved every minute of it too! I took paino lessons in the 3rd & 4th grade, didnt like my teacher so I quit, but I can play LOTs of songs and most of them by ear, I dont read music well...I used to know how to play a few cords on a guitar, but havent tried in so many years I dont think I could remember how to even hold a guitar...and it dosen't really matter to me what kind of music it is.....I grew up on just about every tune known to man-kind and like it all! I now tend to sway towards rythem & blues, bluesy jazz, and blue grass soul - gosspel. No I am not depressed....my grandfather (papaw) played a lot of blue's and picked a bango to blue grass tunes, so I tend to listen to that assortment and let my mind take me back to the summer days I spent with my dad and grandfather on the farm...its a nice place to remember :) My all time favorite song I remember as a kid "Just a little bowl of Butter-Bean's" and I think the artist was "Little Jimmy Dicken's" he did a few country humor songs....its really cute though. If anyone out there knows about that song, please let me know! :)
4.) I guess my favorite color's are dark blue, dark green, dark maroon, and black....they are not depressing color's either, if you are a woman, then you will know that they tend to make you appear thinner! :P
5.) I dont guess I have a favorite number, but I am an "Aries"...and I was born on the first day of the sign, and oddly enough my husband is also an "Aries" and was born on the last day of the sign....creepy huh?
6.) We dont have any normal pet animal's....my husband has a red tail boa constrictor (Jack). We had fish... till I killed them all off one at a time....every time I cleaned the tank, and We had a pet white rat, but he died mysteriously....
(7.) My favorite thing to watch on TV is anything murder mystery, anything about paranormal investigation, detective science investigation on murders...I love the series on MTV called "Fear", and I love the series "The scarcest places on Earth with Linda Blair". I love scary novels, and Steven King is my hero! If I ever have a chance to write children's books, I wish to be a good as he is....only my goal is to have a series of children books with the Scholastic School Books....Some day! :) Oh and my favorite books are...."War of the Roses", "Sin's of the Flesh", and "Comes the Blind Fury". I have no idea who the author of any of these fine books are, but I love them just the same! :)
(8.) I love video - arcade games, epically from "Atari". My brother's and I used to have one and we played it day and night when we were young. Of course, we graduated from the "Atari" to the "Ninentendo" then came the "SEGA" & "Play Station" ...but I loved the games, and I was a champ at "Centipede" and "Pac-Man"! :P
(9.) My favorite old, old, old movie's are... "Of Mice & Men", "The Helen Keller Story", "North & South"...(there are 7 video's to that series), its alot like "Gone with the Wind" which I adore also!
(10.) My all time favorite actor is "Sean Connery"! He may be in his 60's (I think he is 64 this year)...but he's still got it!
(12.) My "pet-peeve's" would probably have to be....skinny people who think they are fat, hateful children & people who pick their noses in public!
(13.) My favorite food would be "Mexican" food, & I like tasting wine's....a little goes a long way, :)
(14.) My favorite car would be the "Plymouth Prowler", painted deep violet and very metallic...I like sparkle! :P
(15.) In sports I like racing, all kinds of vehicle racing.....I like to fish, I love tennis...and I like to watch ice skating.
Well I guess that just about sum's everything up....if I remember anything else, I will be sure to add it in. If any of you visitor's wanna know specific things, well...just ask and I will consider answering....depending on what the question is.... :)
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