Some of these Background will appear different on a web page than what they look like in the small blocks below,
In order to really see what you are getting, I discovered a little trick to help you out!
Thanks to Jeanne of
"Jeanne's Country Cottage" for this tip, She is so smart and creative! :)
Here is a little tip for those of you that use the Outlook Express Mail program.
I am not aware if this works on Netscape or other E-Mail Programs at the moment.
1.) First, right click on any background and "save " to your desk-top.
2.) Second, open up Outlook Express Mail and click the "New Mail" or "New Message" button and open up a blank page as though you would write a friend.
3.) Third, you will need to click your cursor on the blank body of the e-mail and then go to "format" in the tool bar of the blank page and select "Background" then select, "Picture" and click it.
4.) From that box, click browse, choose from the "look in" directory pull down tab the destination of where you saved the background to, in your case if you saved it to your desktop, the select "Desktop" from there, select the name of the graphic and click open, then confirm it by clicking "OK" and there you will see in the body of the e-mail what the background would look like on a web page! :)
I am currently working to get pop up pages for each background so not only will you be able to view what they look like on a web page by simply clicking a background, but it will be easier for you to decide which you like better and download them to your own computer from such a page.