Welcome to the Scenic Art Gallery
This is the page I will put my projects in progress.....
You know, the ones I have no idea what to do with and yet
they are turning in to a scenic view of sorts.....
(you will better understand once you scroll down the page a bit)
You see, when I started drawing to find my "style" it just so happened
that all I would end up drawing was "still life" or "still views" of things.
I dont know why, but I always start out drawing one thing,
and it usually ends up something I dont know what to do with....
So since that is usually the case, I decided to put all of my unfinished
projects here for you to see and
maby you can come up with a suggestion and tell me what I should do with them.
Well, I hope to improve my talents....practice makes perfect right?
But in the mean time...keep in mind this is just my hobby and not my day job...
(whew, if it were my day job I might need to look for another job...lol)
I just want to share with you as much as I can,
so if you critize my work, please do so constructively, not hurtfully.... :)