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It may seem like fun - geeting a group of 10 friends to pile int a Suzuki
Swift. The safety issue might flash through a few minds, but who wants to
say "That's dangerous!" OBVIOUSLY NO ONE. It's normal for us teens to
take risks. Risk is an important part of living and growing.

Around midnight a lot of us, teens, race each other weaving in and out of
traffic. The list of risks we have taken seem endless. Every year a loved
one is a lost as a result of some senseless act. Playing with handguns,
car surfing, engaging in criminal acts pose some danger to the perpetrator.

You are probably thinking "I'd never though something so stupid !" But
the fact is that teens do take risks and it's usually because they are bored
and looking for something to do.

So if you find yourself in this position there are ample shit to do. Go to a
session, foreign, movie or frenz house. Or thugh the nerdy stuff like: watch
tv, or surf the net [trus me is a rjr chat flex a run]. Get up and do
something LIFE 2 SHORT FI WASTE.

* Dedicated to all people who have lost a loved one as a result of teenaged risks.


Q: What's the last risky thing you did?


- Broke my brother's car window
- Skipped school while on probation for skipping school
- Took mummy's car without asking.
- Went walking at midnight

* If you have an answer to the above question that you will like to share
feel free to post it on the message board.

Copyright © 2001 Strictly Entertainment.
