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Last updated 4-3-03

Above photo taken by Kenny Rogers

As we all know Terri Clark rocks! With the sound of gold for a voice and the look to make you stop and think, she carries out her everyday life like any other person. She's not one to hide from her fans. But then again, we're talking about Terri here. She's just awesome!

If you haven't been to one of her concerts yet, well get up and GO! She puts on one heck of a show!

I have been a faithful Clark fan since the hit "Better Things To Do" and to further that I have never seen a concert put on by anyone that was better or even come close. Even if you don't listen to country or know who she is I put my word on it that if you were to see her live she'd rock your world.

In the first two weeks after Pain To Kill was released in stores, there was over 34,000 copies sold! Now that's one heck of a turn over. "PTK" not only will have many, many number 1's on it, but I feel it will also go to the top as a number 1 album! Terri has the attitude, guts and down to earth "go get em" sense to just make that happen.

Alright! The Irvine show was awesome! I have MANY good pictures that I'll be posting soon. They would have already been up, however, I had them developed in a one hour lab and the pictures come out horrible! So I'm taking them into a REAL "lab" to have them re-done! Check back soon for those pictures!

Be sure to check out the new pages I just put up. The link to them is below!

Album Reviews
Fan Club Information and Links
Terri's Photos Page 1
Terri's Photos Page 2
Terri's Photo Page 3
Terri's Photo Page 4
Terri's Photo Page 5
Terri's Photo Page 6
The Bra Page
Video Shots
Pain To Kill Album Art
Concert Pictures from Palmdale, CA
Local Tour Dates

Want a jersey like Terri wears? Check out these way cool items at the link below!

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In loving memory of the hero's that fell


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