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Meedhoo, one of the important islands in the Republic of Maldives, is an island in a group of islands making the southern most atoll of Addu which is one of the rarest naturally protected atolls in the Maldivian archipelago. Throughout its known history, Meedhoo has been the centre of learning and the birth place of renowned intellectual personalities.  

Islamic renaissance heralded in this island at the return of a renowned indigenous scholar, Jamaluddeen, from long residence in Yemen to take responsibility for Islamic law and learning. After training judges in Malé, he retreated to the ancient island of Vaadhoo in Huvadhu atoll and established a small but enduring tradition of education in Islamic law which spread across the Equatorial channel into Meedhoo on Addu atoll. And Meedhoo has been responsible for passing this tradition of education into the present generation. 

The Island…

 Situated on the beautiful peninsulic north-eastern tip of Addu Atoll where tremendous importance now stands. A place of time-honoured memories, with the adjoining island of Hulhudhoo, even today stands isolated in their individual glory.

 The Geography… 

It can be described as an island village where the surrounding sea is a rhapsody in blue, hugging one of the largest beaches in the Maldives. From the sky, it looks neat with thick vegetations and long straight roads, and the silvery stream of Kulhi.

 It is located 73.23°E of longitude, and 0.58°S of latitude, stretching approximately 10 km long along the eastern rim of the atoll.

 The Climate…

 Warm, humid and yet made pleasant enough by the cool breeze wafting in from the sea. The climate, similar to the rest of the islands in the Maldives, is determined by two monsoons. The rainy South-West monsoon begins during April and continues until October, while the generally fine North-East monsoon prevails from December to March. The mean daily maximum temperature is 30°C while the daily minimum is 25°C.

 The people… 

It is believed that the first settlers in this island were Aryan immigrants who came here around from 1000 BC to 500 BC. Today, the people of Meedhoo are a mixed race.

 The 2000 census puts the population at 2300 out of which about 51% are women and 49%.  


Places of Interest… 


Koagannu is the oldest cemetery in the country where important personages have been entombed. Tomb Stones in this cemetery shows the creativity and the craftsmanship of the early inhabitants of this island.


It’s a historical site which has folk-lore connections of Pre-Islamic era. During the Second World War the British forces built bunkers and used this area as a staging post, and the ruins of which still exists.


Located in the middle of the island is a lake-like muddy area comprising of many small fresh water ponds with species of fresh water fishes.

 Meedhoo Beyra (Dive Name) 

It is located northeast point of Meedhoo, and is a great place to see grey reef sharks and white tip reef sharks. On the outer part of the reef – the top is at 5 – 10m dropping down to a wide sandy plateau at 30m where you can see sharks resting in the sand.

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