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M. B.

In reality, Canada, very much a part of North America, enjoys it's standard of living because of it's proximity to and historical ties with America. The only reason it is still a "sovereign nation" is because of an outdated (by about 200 years) sentimental tie to jolly old England and the monarchy. Realistically speaking, if the U.S. decided to seal their borders Canada could become a northern Mexico.

Canada exists as a nation out of spite to America. Disgruntled loyalists who felt that it was better to bow before an almighty King and Queen than to be part of a true democracy where people are equal. And politicians who want to stay in luxury and power keep trying to maintain the myth of a "Canadian identity". Laughable. They are the only ones who benefit.

There's no reason it shouldn't join, except for an outdated loyalty to jolly old England. By all rights, Canada should have been part of America. To quote Glazov from his article: " in 1776, Canadians didn't have the backbone to stand up for themselves against British economic exploitation."

And here we 2002...about to become a northern Mexico, because those in power would have you believe that a Canadian identity is distinct and worth fighting for. Huh?? What's so distinct about it? The fact that we as Canadians get all self-righteous by saying "We're not like them Americans."

Spread the word. Demand that Canada be admitted into the union.