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A Dedication To Soldiers

Proud To Remember

Welcome to a site dedicated to the service men and women of the U.S.Military.
This site was created to remember the heroes that died, as well as those that are still living.
May this site represent what is good in each of us, and teach those that are too young to remember,
just what freedom is, and what price these soldiers paid to keep it for us.

On a more personal note, my son is getting ready to head for Marine Bootcamp. As an American, I could not be prouder of his decision. As his mother, I worry. I know as a vet and former military spouse what he is embarking on. May God's Grace follow him and carry him during his enlisted time.

May we always remember!

In light of the recent attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania, I felt compelled to create a page that is dedicated to all our fellow Americans who perished; who are hero's in the eyes of this author.

In no way do I want to detract from the importance of any human life that was taken on a bright and sunny day in Septemeber of 2001. I have paid homage to every person lost that day on my Memorial Page to 9/11 called "Attack on America".

However, I wanted to let the families know of the sacrifice that crew members made as well, since they were keenly aware of their demise. May we remember the flight crews from American Airlines Flight 11, 175, 77 and 93 that initiated the first course of action in our countries movement in anti-terrorism.

The 11 crew members from Flight 11 included pilot John Ogonowski, First Officer Thomas McGuinness, and flight attendants Barbara Arestegui, Jeffrey Collman, Sara Low, Karen Martin, Kathleen Nicosia, Betty Ong, Jean Roger, Dianne Snyder, and Madeline Sweeney.

The nine crew members from Flight 175 included pilot Victor Saracini, First Officer Michael Horrocks, and flight attendants Robert Fangman, Amy Jarret, Amy King, Kathryn Laborie, Alfred Marchand, Michael Tarrou, and Alicia Titus.

The flight crew from Flight 77 included pilot Charles Burlingame, First Officer David Charlebois, and flight attendants Michele Heidenberger, Jennifer Lewis, Kenneth Lewis, and Renee May.

The seven crew members on Flight 93 were pilot Jason Dahl, First Officer LeRoy Homer Jr., and flight attendants Lorraine Bay, Sandra Bradshaw, Wanda Green, CeeCee Lyles, and Deborah Welsh.

American Airlines Flight 93 also gave birth to many unsung heros formerly known as passengers, who decided to stare death in the face and fight. May we all strive to demonstrate this type of loyalty and committment to our fellow Americans, our country and God.

I want to take a moment to thank all the people in this country that have taken time out of their lives to help in any capacity. Our prayers go out to the families that have lost loved ones. God Bless our government who have some tough questions to answer, and God Bless our President who has some tough choices to make on behalf of a wounded but surviving nation. GOD BLESS US ALL

Today marks the eighth anniversary of the attack on American soil. They may have destroyed our buildings, but they did not destroy our resolve. May God continue to bless their souls, and comfort the families left behind. Let it be known that all of you are still in our hearts, and we consider you fallen heros that have gone on to better things. May we make your memory proud. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

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Pages of History:

World War I
World War II
Korean War
Vietnam War
Gulf War
My Adopted MIA & POW
Women in the Military
Attack on America
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Saddam Hussein
Michael's Page
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A BIG thank you to Doc for allowing me to use some of his unbelievable graphics. He brings to this website an overwhelming pride that we should all feel. As a vetern, perhaps I am more keenly aware of the stakes our service men and women take. This man has incredible talent and his passion shows in his work. If you are moved by these images like I was, click on his name below.

Graphics by Doc

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