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Somewhere Over the Rainbow -- Dreams Really Do Come True

Dreams Poetry


Don't ever stop dreaming your dreams
They're a very essential part of you.
Do whatever you can to make them a reality.
By the course you take,
the plans you make...
and all the things you do.
Don't dwell on past mistakes...
leave yesterday behind you.
Along with all of its problems,
worries and doubts.
Do realize that you can't change the past,
but just ahead is the future...
And you Can do something about that!
Don't try to accomplish everything at once,
life can be difficult enough...
Without adding frustration to the list.
Do travel one step at a time
and reach for one goal at a time.
That's the way to find out what real
accomplishment is.
Don't be afraid to try the impossible...
even if others don't think you'll succeed.

Do remember that history is filled
with incredible accomplishments...
Of those that others thought were
foolish enough to Believe.
And yet they did!
Don't forget that there are many things
that are Wonderful, Rare and Unique about You!


Dreams Poetry

Everything Is Possible

Everything is possible,
Nothing is too great,
Do not be afraid,
To make the choice you make.
Everything is possible,
And within your arms reach,
Listen to your heart,
And what it has to teach.
Everything is possible,
And waiting for you there,
Run and grasp your dreams,
Not one more moment spare.
Everything is possible,
Make it all come true,
You can do it, I know you can,
Because, I believe in you.

~ Max the Poet © 2000 ~


Dreams Poetry

When I Wish Upon My Star

When I wish upon my star,
I think about you,
I think about the love we share,
And all the things you are.
My dreams become reality,
Even though you are far,
The distance is lessened,
When I wish upon my star.
The wish I make is a simple one,
That you and I will soon be together,
That we can begin our life of love,
And be in love forever.
I wished this upon my star for you and I,
Because there is no one else that's for me,
No one who loves me the way you do,
And I will keep a constant sort of watch,
And wish upon my star,
And soon enough, we will be, what destiny has promised.

~ Max the Poet © 2000 ~


Dreams Poetry

In My Dreams

Though we're far apart
I see you in my dream
Thoughts of you warm my heart
Can things be what they seem

I can't wait to see your face
to feel your warm embrace
Will you like who you see
I can only be me

Even though you are far away
Your voice brightens my day
I can't wait till we meet
To taste your lips so sweet

Until then I will see you in my dreams...

by: Cristina


Dreams Poetry

Sweet Are The Dreams

Sweet are the dreams that I dream of you
Sunshine and roses; skies filled with blue
I have imagined the two of us kiss
Closing my eyes I’m so filled with bliss

Sweet are the dreams; so vivid and clear
Feeling you touch me; feeling you near
For in my mind I’ve held you so tight
Holding you tenderly all through the night

Sweet are the dreams; each one filled with love
And in each dream, I thank God above
For giving to me the wonders of you
So loving and caring; so tender and true

Sweet are the dreams when I close my eyes
Feeling your heart beat, I visualize
Love and affection; much more than I’ve known
And in these dreams the feelings have grown

Sweet are the dreams when I think of you
Hoping and praying my dreams all come true
Yet while I’m waiting, these dreams that I see
Will always and ever unite you and me

by Marc Johnson


Dreams Poetry

To Dream is to Live

If a person has thought or imagination
and feeling or emotion
I believe that person to be
very fortunate

If someone has love or lust
and fulfillment or satisfaction
I consider that someone to have
such luck.

If you have joy or true happiness
and understanding or consideration
I know you are special

If I have meaning or compassion
and respect or desire
Then I know I have finally found the one I
live for, love with, want more of, need all of.

If I haven't had the fortune to lay my eyes or
myself on you,
If I haven't had the luck to touch, feel or smell
If I haven't seen your desire, your thoughts or
hands caressing my body, softly, sweetly and
Then you must still be a dream?

But I have felt all of you,
I have known all of you,
I have seen all of you.
Since you are with me, I live for my nights and
for more sleep until our dream becomes a reality.

By: Nat


Dreams Poetry


Sweet Are The Dream

Sweet are the dreams that I dream of you
Sunshine and roses; skies filled with blue
I have imagined the two of us kiss
Closing my eyes I’m so filled with bliss

Sweet are the dreams; so vivid and clear
Feeling you touch me; feeling you near
For in my mind I’ve held you so tight
Holding you tenderly all through the night

Sweet are the dreams; each one filled with love
And in each dream, I thank God above
For giving to me the wonders of you
So loving and caring; so tender and true

Sweet are the dreams when I close my eyes
Feeling your heart beat, I visualize
Love and affection; much more than I’ve known
And in these dreams the feelings have grown

Sweet are the dreams when I think of you
Hoping and praying my dreams all come true
Yet while I’m waiting, these dreams that I see
Will always and ever unite you and me

By: Marc Johnson


Dreams Poetry


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