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A World of Friendships

Internet Friendship

Faceless Friend
No emotions to see on your face
Can't even feel the warmth of your embrace
Nothing registered in my eyes,
Nothing but text as cold as ice.

But, wait, can't you feel?
On the net is something real
Another world where there is love,
life, worries, war, and peace of a dove.

I see a faceless friend
whom I can always depend
With just a click of a button
(making sure the computer is on!)

You are faceless, yeah right;
but when I chat with you, it makes my day
It gives color to my monochrome life
Alas! red, blue and lilac stripes.

Someday I'll see your face
Truly more than a gaze
Friendship will flourish
hoping the "magic" will not vanish!

By: Lorelie Hernandez


Internet Friendship


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