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Internet Love Poetry

Internet Love Line


Internet Love
Meeting you on the net,
Was like finding a rare jewel,
We hit it off right from the start,
I thought you were cool.
Each night since then I sit and wait,
Then suddenly, there you are,
Like magic, you came just when I thought,
I wished it on a star.
We chat and chat till morning light,
Has rested upon my door,
We laugh, we cry, we share so much,
Neither knowing what's in store.
I love the time we spend in chat,
Or talking on the phone,
You are so special to me,
True friendship have you shown.
I needed to say how much I care,
And that of you I have grown quite fond,
We share a rare and special love,
A kindred sort of bond.

Who could have known that you were there,
Out on the Internet,
I will treasure every moment I live,
You, I will never forget.
If times get hard and you need an ear,
Or someone to hug you tight,
I will be sitting right here,
I'll hold you tight all night.
And soon, perhaps, we can meet each other,
And see where things may lead,
For now, just know, I love you so,
You fill my every need.
~ Max the Poet © 2000 ~


Internet Love Line


A Love That Transcends Time And Space
Is this heaven?
Is this true love?

I love the way I feel about you
I love your smile
I love the way you express yourself
I love your honesty
I love your sensuality

I love the way I feel when you are here
I love the way I feel when I am thinking of you
I love the way my heart races when you tell me you love me
I love the way I feel when I imagine you

I love the way you know what I am thinking
I love the way I cannot hide anything from you
I love the way we communicate, even when we are apart

I even love the way I feel when I wait to talk to you
The anticipation of finally getting what I have only dreamed about all these years.
The realization that it is actually happening

Could it be true?
Is it a dream?
Are you a dream?
I never want to wake up

Is this meant to be? Is this the first time?
Was there another time? Another place?
Is there a destiny?
Is this heaven?
I cannot imagine what heaven would be like if it was better than you.

You are my inspiration. You are my everything.

Soon, my love, we will be together and nothing will separate us again No oceans, No time, No space.
In fact - have we ever really been apart?
I guess what I am trying to say is that I love you and I always will.


Internet Love Line


Sweet Long Distance Love
Sweet long distance love,
Her voice is seen, not heard.
Like a covering of dew on Spring flowers,
Her essence overlays my heart.

Sweet long distance love,
Hidden behind virtual walls,
Singing songs of intent and make believe
But truth lines each and every part.

Sweet long distance love.
Her promises fill me with joy
Because I see and feel with her eyes and heart
And have all the same desires.

Sweet long distance love,
Fulfills all my lonely hours.
Pulling at my heart and pushing at my soul
Helping me to feel alive again.

By: Terry


Internet Love Line


But Still I Say I Love You
I have never seen the color of your eyes,
Touched your lips,
Held your hand,
But still I say I love you

All I hear is your voice through the line
Echoing through my soul
Giving me joy unspeakable.

I have never seen your tongue or,
The mouth
That makes my heart swim at the mention
Of my name
But still I say I love you

I have never leaned on the man
That keeps me strong, holding on
All day long,
I have never known the love that listens to
Mary J while talking to his baby on the
But still I say I love you

I have never seen the smile
That lights my dark closet or feel
The laughter of my man vibrate against
My breast
Yet his humor makes me laugh from 11 to 1, laugh and roll
On the floor, dreaming of him, this man I feel, yet do not touch
But still I say I love you

What Love can be so strong?
For a man I have never known?
A man of Flesh and bone, not of
Omnipotent position.
Could the love of My God justify
This emotion?

He, a man, that I have never known,
But still I say I love him.

What love can make me wait for that special day
When that man I have never seen, will finally be with me?
I don't understand why my heart cries out for this mysterious man,
Who has placed his heart within my own
But Still I Say I Love You.

by: Araminta Grant


Internet Love Line


I run down stairs
turn on the computer,
Look at his picture
there's nobody cuter.
Tap my fingers ,cause
I just can't wait,
Talking to him is the
best part of the day.

I feel like I'm full of butterflies
Flying around everywhere inside
With every thought of him they soar
And my heart beats faster forevermore

He always says
that I'm his sunshine,
I swear he's an angel
and will always be mine.
Then we tell each other
about the day,
When it's my turn
I just have to say.

I feel like I'm full of butterflies
Flying around everywhere inside
With every thought of him they soar
And my heart beats faster forever more

These butterflies
I can't get rid of them,
They've been locked up inside
Since I met him.
Right now we
May be thousands of miles apart,
But I know deep down in my heart
That he's the one
and will always be
We'll be together one day
and everyone will see

That I feel like I'm full of butterflies
Flying around everywhere inside
With every thought of him they soar
And my heart beats faster forever more

I'll be in love with him all my life
Filling my heart every where inside
Every beat of it makes me sure
That our love will be forevermore

By: Erin


Internet Love Line


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