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Miscellaneous Poetry

Misc. Line


A Prayer to the Internet Angel
Help me log on without fretting,
Guide me as I'm internetting,
Bless my down - and uploading,
Keep my browser from exploding.
May my website be protected,
Let not my password be rejected.
Keep my line connection clear...
And tech support always near!


Misc. Line

Forever and a Day III

He was walkin along the shore one day,
And the strangest thing he found,
A tattered bottle had washed ashore,
Inside a message he had found.

It was a note full of loss and despair,
She was alone and at her wits end,
All she was seeking was a ray of hope,
The possibility of finding a friend.

Then without a thought he said these words~~
"I'm no Genie but I do have love to share!"
And from that day forward his word has been
For she's now found trust and learned how to

Though miles separate these kindred souls,
Yet they laugh and cry, they share a deep love.
They've known from the start they were meant
to be,
Their meeting was a blessing from the Man

Months have passed by so quickly now,
And their love and friendship's now one,
They promise each other to always be there,

By: Bonnie


Misc. Line

Fact Or Fiction

Three years and two months
I forgot to count the days
Scenic views and trysts
With lots of passion plays

All the time I was happy
One long running fairy tale
How to find an happy ending
With this I suppose I fail

There was love and romance
We played a song or two
Fairy tales are only fiction
Those fairy tales can’t come true

Libra scales, Taurus the bull
The scales did a balancing act
The romantic bull got seduced
She mixed her fiction up with fact

This romantic story was written
Looking back from where it began
I guess we both knew how to balance
Taurus the bull and her Libra man

This fairy tale of mine and his
Three years love, jokes and fun
Do fairy tales get happy endings
Now only my mind can click on re-run

My mind still goes here and there
So often in my mind you stay
Wonder if I ask the Libra man
When he will be allowed to play

By: Hope


Misc. Line


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