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1999 Car Show


As you can see, all these pics were takin last year around October...We both just love going, looking and most of all dreaming at car shows and especially when its at Darling Harbour (one of my all-time favourite places to go to)...We do plan on going again this year and maybe we can get some more unique pics of cars, if we do I'll be sure to display that car show up here as well, and of course it is once again at Darling Harbour *big smile* this weekend (November 17-24)...


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This is a collage of some of my favourite pics of the cars that were on display at this car show...I look at this collage and dream of one day owning one or more of these beauties *lol*...Hey ya can't blame a girl for dreaming...Can you? *ss*...


One of the finest race cars they had on display there...

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This is me sitting in my car...NOT...ok -- ok -- ok...This is me dreaming of someday owning a BMW Roadster Convertible...and believe you me its much cheaper to dream about it for now anyway *lol*...But hey at least I can honestly say that I sat in one (nodding my head)...Oh yea!!! and I loved every minute of it too...come to think of it, it was probably only a minute anyway *lol*...


Me again...This time though I'm dreaming for my b/f *ss*...This car  is    his favourite color and of course the stars in my eyes are because    it is a convertible...Gimmee -- Gimmee...thats what I'm     saying here *lol*...To bad I couldn't have sat in this one...although...   if  I had of I  may have just been sold *lol* I guess it was a good thing that  you couldn't sit behind the wheel of this beauty...

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Looky at this beauty...Cool Huh???...Talk about your older cars with style...I can't remember though what the make and model is right now but I know its a classic *ss*...


This is -- "The Car of the Future"....It runs on electricity and can be programmed to drive without the driver being alert to where he is going...I think they said it could be programmed for up to 5 different locations such as to your work or even when your travelling on holidays...It also knows to stay within so many feet of the car in front of it -- knows when to stop or to slow down (re: red lights or brake lights) etc...As you can see that this car has no handles to get into the doors, there electric as well and they lift up at an angle...From the outside it doesn't really look like theres much room in there at all, but supposedly there is...According to production they should be out in about 5 yrs. provided of course there is no unforseen complications that arise...I've definately got one of these on order *lol*...

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