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Singing Angel

~* My Angel Daddy *~

Blinking Angel


Daddy, all my life, as far as the mind can see, you were there for me, I was daddy’s little girl *ss*...maybe because you

worked 3rd shift and mom worked 1st ...


Daddy I remember how you use to love the outdoors, walking, hiking, and working in the yard and I was always your

little helper, I remember daddy how you use to call me your little angel...I remember thinking then, you did that,
because mom loved angels so much, I think that’s where I get my love of the outdoors from you, and the love of
angels so well from both you and mom...


Sometimes I lay in bed at night and just picture my Dad playing in heavens band, you see my Dad could play any

wind instrument there was--his all time favorite was the B flat clarinet...I think that’s where I get my love of music
from is my dad...


My dad had to overcome many obstacles in his life and at an early age...a very early age...He lost his Mom and

Dad when he was a year old--he was in the car--his dad at the wheel when--a drunk semi-truck driver hit them head
on--his parents...killed instantly & my dad was thrown 100 ft in the air and away from the accident...Miraculously
he only had minor broken bones and scrapes, but because of one truckers need to "drink and drive"--My dads
parents were lost to him forever...My dad also had an older brother and sister, but they were not in the car that dreaded
day--Thank goodness, he never saw them again though unfortunately *sigh*...


Dad lived in an orphanage till he ran away at the age of 12...He shined shoesto try to make some money--very little of course--He

would still scraps of food from tables when people were done eating, and lived on the streets...He did whatever he had to do in order to survive, and we all know that its not that easy for a 12 yr old to earn any money...


I never knew any of my Dads side of the family...someday though I would love to research his family tree and who knows

who I will find...*ss*...My dad had many mountains to climb throughout his life--But through it all he did overcome many,
many obstacles...

I remember daddy always saying..."There ain’t no mountain to big to climb, as long as you put one foot in front of the other",

how very true that is, I never knew what that saying meant as I was growing I do...
I have my dad to thank for that...


My dad passed away when I was only 18yrs of age...oh...At first I was very angry and thought how could God do this to me...then I
was mad at my Dad for leaving me the way he did--without even saying good-bye *tears*...then I was mad at my brother and
2 sisters because they were all lots older than me and had the joy of having Daddy much longer...At the time I couldn’t
see any good from Daddy’s death---none what-so-ever...BUT...years later I can truthfully say-- I definitely know why now, because of my dadsdeath my mom and I became the best of friends *ss*...before that i had always fhought that we were mortal enemies *sigh* see there’s always a reason for everything that happens to us in our lives--all we have to do is look long and hard to really see what’s before us...

I guess the song that reminds me most of my dad would have to be 'Wind Beneath My Wings'...Ialways felt that way about my in closing let me say...

Daddy in my eyes you are my 'HERO' and always will be, you are the wind beneath my wings and if it wasn’t for your guidance,

love, and understanding (especially when I rebelled as teenagers do) *lol*...


Daddy your the inspiration to make me want to succeed and be ALL that I can be--you did it-- and you had lots of mountains
to climb and valleys to walk through...the 'world' definately need more fathers and men like you in it...these days Daddy it does give me some comfort to know that at least my brother Mike has you back again *tear*


Thanks daddy, I truly miss you, and even though its been years since you went away I still think of you everyday and always will...


*hugs from your littlest angel*

  ~* becca*~

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