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 What is Distance???...Really???...

What is distance really?...Webster defines distance as...the fact or condition of being separated in space or time; remoteness. A space between two points...There's a lot more to distance than what Webster ever thought of, let alone defines in the dictionary...sure it’s a fact or condition of being separated through space...but distance begins…and ends...'In the Heart'...

Please allow me to elaborate on what I meant by that last statement for a moment if I may…

Distance begins…and ends...'In the Heart'...You may or may not get along with your next door neighbor, and if you don’t, then the distance between your heart and that of your neighbor is farther than your two houses in my thinking and searching recently on distance, I have concluded that -- distance is really a matter of the 'distance between your heart and mine'...Nothing more -- Nothing less

Here in cyberspace we all are separated through miles and miles of roads, land and oceans -- some of us are farther away than others...but…What really does connect each of us?...'Our Hearts'...We connect with that special on-line someone, whether friend or love, through something much greater than the physical realm of what a person looks like -- that's why I say that distance really is a matter of the heart?...

Have you ever felt connected to someone?...I'm talking in the best sense of being connected to someone...In the heart...really if you stop to think about it that is where 'love' begins...Isn't it?...LOVE -- TRUE LOVE -- has to begin and end in the heart...The song that you are about to read is a wonderful song…It describes what being 'Connected at the Heart' really does mean…It's performed by the group 'RICOCHET' its a good song for anyone of you out there that has ever found there true love whether that’s online or your just in a relationship where you have to be away from each other for any length of time...the words are embedded into my mind as well as my hear are the words to that them carefully...and really understand there meaning...

~* Connected At The Heart * ~

There is a picture in the pocket of my shirt
I always keep you next to me
When I'm away from you all I do is hurt
I think about you constantly
But you're always with me deep inside
I can feel you when I close my eyes

Chorus #1:
We are connected at the heart
Nothing on earth can keep the two of us apart
Time has no meaning
Distance has no power
It's never too late
No matter how long
We're never that far
We are connected at the heart

Every night I get down on my knees and pray
I know God's listening to me
Sometimes I have to work a little on my faith
But I don't have to see Him to believe
Isn't that a little bit like you and me
We're not always eye to eye but I know we

Chorus #2 :
Part of each other
One and the same
Blood of my blood
Soul of my soul

Ending Chorus:
We are connected at the heart
Oh, we are connected at the heart

Let's take a look for a moment on how each of us can make the distance somewhat disappear…Mind you that this will work in your real life (with friends, family etc…) as well as right here in your own virtual community…As we are headed into the 21st century -- you will read and hear more and more about people that have actually gotten together through cyber-land -- which under normal conditions the paths of their lives would have never crossed…but…there's one thing and one thing only they all had in common which led them to want to meet in real life...


In order to make the distance not seem so far you need...communication...that is the hidden 'key word' in distance...the more you talk with someone...the closer you get...the more you share your wants… the closer you get…and...the more you express your desires… the closer you get...I could go on and on here, but I think you all get my point on how communication does bring 2 people closer together, even from across the globe…but…as soon as you stop talking then you start getting farther-n-farther…

Once the communication ceases then and only then the distance increases...

I do believe that in order for any relationship to work when you are separated by miles, each one has to have the same focus and goal in life...which is…'To one day, no matter what, be together'...distance is in the mind more than anywhere else...If you think that you are far apart...then you each one of us really does need to search deep within our hearts and ask ourselves what truly is important here...Do we as the people, of cyber-world heading into the next millennium, want to only see the distance as it really is?…Which is miles-n-miles of roads...or do we...Want to make the distance between your heart and mine less? hoping -- wanting -- dreaming -- sharing -- believing…and most of all by keeping the focus on only one main goal...Which is...bringing our hearts together forever...remember…

The heart doesn’t know the meaning of time or a heart that is in love...truly in-love...all it wants to do is to be with the heart that makes he/she sing and smile...whether that’s in real life or right here on the Internet, it makes no difference to the heart just as long as they are with the person of there dreams...

There is a song that goes along with what I have been trying to say as far as communication goes, the words to that song are listed below…When there is a break down in communication -- everything else that you had going for you will eventually cease to exist as well…

~* It Matters To Me  *~

Baby tell me where'd you ever learn
To fight without sayin' a word
Then waltz back into my life
Like it's all gonna be alright
Don't you know how much it hurts

When we don't talk
When we don't touch
When it doesn't feel like we're even in love
It matters to me
When I don't know what to say
Don't know what to do
Don't know if it really even matters to you
How can I make you see
It matters to me

Maybe I still don't understand
The distance between a woman and a man
So tell me how far it is
And how you can love like this
'Cause I'm not sure I can

When we don't talk
When we don't touch
When it doesn't feel like we're even in love
It matters to me
When I don't know what to say
Don't know what to do
Don't know if it really even matters to you
How can I make you see
It matters to me

Oh and I don't know what to say
Don't know what to do
Don't know if it really even matters to you
How can I make you see
Oh it matters to me
Oh it matters to me
It matters to me

That is really all that matters...Isn't it?...So keep the faith, hope, dreams and most of all communication going... and…always love the time that you do have to spend together, because we never know what tomorrow will bring for any of us...

I hope that you all have a better understanding of how Becca views distance…Just remember...

'Distance is never a problem...It does have a solution'


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