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Dream a Little Dream With Me...


~* Dreams...Fantasy or Reality *~


Dreams...Fantasy or Reality...In this page I basically want to share with you my views on dreams...
Are they just fantasies?...Or in deed reality?...

I never use to believe much in dreams before, maybe cause I never dreamed, you suppose?...wrong...even though we don’t remember most of our dreams, we do indeed dream, they say we dream every 15 minutes in the 'REM' part of sleep...for those of you not familiar with the expression 'REM' it stands for (Rapid Eye Movement), much easier to write 'REM' *lol*...

They do say that a 'dream is a wish your heart makes' and I believe that is very true...our hearts know what we want and most of the time even before we do *ss* in dreaming...the heart and the mind work together...

There are different kinds of dreams however the  two I would like to focus on for this page are...'Daydreams & Nightdreams'...both types of dreams are Important to our very existence...without dreams we wouldn’t and couldn't survive...most dreams we don’t even remember when we awake in the morning, then there are some dreams that we remember with a smile, and well...some with a tear...I really believe that our dreams help us to somehow make it easier to go down the road of life...Dreams are a way of escaping whether that be a daydream or a nightdream...

Everyone has a dream whether its small or big its still a dream and very Important to each of you...Dreams can and do come true *ss* Look at a lot of the famous people throughout history, they had a dream day making a difference. -- of being somebody -- of wanting beyond all want -- hoping against all hope -- defeating the odds...but with all there dreams they never lost site of that vision, and that alone, my friends, are so very Important to all of us...'Never lose site of your dreams and always keep the focus'...

Oh I do believe in dreams and I believe that if we all look really hard and long that we too will know what we have to do to make all of our dreams come true and work towards that goal in order to make your dream a reality *ss*...

I know I have some of the biggest dreams you will probably ever encounter *lol*...but hey, what can I say Becca always does the Impossible and that even includes dreaming...and one day Becca will make all her dreams come true or die trying, you think I am like the little engine that could?...I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN...I like to revise that little saying like this...I KNOW I CAN, I KNOW I CAN...I believe dreams can make us who we are, and as friends we all need to encourage each other to achieve the Impossible dream, to be all that you can be...

I firmly believe that when you stop dreaming then you stop living...dreams are as natural as breathing...sometimes I dream of being alone on a deserted island with no one around for miles *lol*, a dream that won’t ever come true but my life is so crazy right now, that that’s exactly how I would picture the quote, unquote 'PERFECT LIFE' *lol* is there such a thing?...nah, but hey Becca can dream can’t she *lmsao*...

One day I will achieve that dream of mine and do just that, just like Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'I HAVE A DREAM'... sometime when your all alone and walking outside and the sun is just starting to set think really hard about what you want most in your life whether that’s small or big it makes no difference at all...remember to always keep the focus on the dream that you have and to never lose site of that dream, and most Importantly believe that you can and that you will achieve your hearts desire one day...

I hope this page has given you a better understanding into why dreams are so Important to all of us and why they are majorly Important to Becca *ss*...and remember this song...It goes something like this...

'Somewhere Over The Rainbow'

Somewhere over the rainbow...Way up high...

The dreams that you dream of…Really do...Come true...

so...for each of us a dream means something different but with all the same magnitude and go for the 'GOLD' and 'Achieve Your Wildest Dream'...I believe in the Impossible, maybe that’s my birth sign *lol*...but however I got to believing in the Impossible dream that is definitely something I don’t ever want to change about me...I feel that believing in and achieving the Impossible dream is what keeps us all going, especially yours truly *ss*...Llike I say at times I may be down for the count...but never out...

May all your 'DREAMS' come true...

~* Happy Dreaming Everyone *~


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