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Denver Broncos -v- San Diego Chargers


As you can see by the title of this page...this was my very 1st (seen in real time that is) American Football Game or as they call it here down under "Grid Iron Game" think I had to come all the way to Australia to see an American Football Game being played *lol*...Who would've guessed...Huh???...

The teams that played that day were -- 'The San Diego Carges v The Denver Broncos'...It was a very exciting day for me...especially seeing the Aussies watch the American Football Game, it was interesting to put it mildly *ss*...


The pic directly above, I made using our tickets as you hopefully can see *ss*, if you can't see it...well least I tried *lol* (hoping to resemble the football goal), if I didn't depict it right please don't get made at me *shaking my head*, I really don't know anything about this game...honestly...Just ask anybody that knows me and they'll tell you...This was the very 1st  American Football Game played on Australian soil, as well as the very 1st thing played in Sydneys new stadium that was built here (especially for the Olympics, but of course they will use it for other things also)...

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This is a view from where we were sitting in the bleachers, as you can see the Broncos were to the left of us, whilst the Chargers were to the right...


The game was well underway by the looks of this pic...and before you ask me, no the people watching the game here are not American but Australian as well...NOTE: the flag on this girls hat...well...there were alot of Aussies wearing American symbols -- from fake tattoos on there skin of the American flag to shirts, hats and yes even pants...It was great, I felt anyway, to see 2 cultures come together to watch a sport, don't get me wrong there were several Australians there that day that didn't think highly of American Football though, but I felt that most of them were respetive to the way we play football...especially...since it is sooooo very different here...

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