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Friendship Rose

~* Friendship *~

Friendship Rose


What’s Really in a Friend?...If you watch the talk shows that are on TV these days then, well being a friend would mean stabbing one in the back...Don't you
agree?...Afterall on those shows it always seems that supposedly a friend brought another friend on the show because they did them wrong and their trying to
rectify the wrong they did, by finally telling them the truth...BUT...does that actually rectify the situation?...So let's look at what real friendship is all about...


There are different types of friendships in life...the friendship of a co-worker -- that of your next door neighbor -- the people you went to school with -- or maybe
even the people that you know from the local hangout or on your bowling league, etc...these that I have just listed I would classify as just a regular friend...One
whom we know and when we see them in public we say 'hello, how are you doing?' and chat for a few, just long enough to make it look good, before one of you
are saying 'it was nice seeing you again, but i really need to get to you soon'...Which of course we all know what soon means in that respect...Don't we?
It means the next time we happen to bump into them on the street again, but neither one of you will go out of your way to make that extra effort to call them just to
see how things are going...Am I right there?


Then you have a friend who you like to hang out with, maybe they have been your friend since school or through a job you both once held...On occasion you
get together with them and go out to a local bar or just out to eat maybe twice a year, but you may talk to them on the phone several times in between...Oh and
how could I forget the friend that has been through all the bad, as well as, all the good times in your 'life'...This friend you would walk through fire for, or step in the
way of a speeding bullet...This friend is most definately a 'bestfriend'...


So let's look at being a 'bestfriend'...To me a 'bestfriend is one you - laugh - cry - scream - yell - get mad and glad with, and still when all is said and done you know
that you have a friend for life...sure there will be ups and downs...highs and lows...smiles and tears...but through it all you both know that you have a friend for you could
tell them your deepest darkest secret and know that they will not look down on you, but 'love' you inspite of what you have done or where you have been...There
a person   that you would  gladly and without a second thought give your life for...These friends are rare, but they do last throughout the ages..I know most of my
life it seems that 'my bestfriend' has usually been one of the opposite sex...Is that true with you?...If so why is that do you suppose?


Sometimes a 'bestfriend' turns into more than a 'bestfriend'...How and when you ask?...Who really knows the answer to those questions...All I know for sure is
that if and when the love begins...That it will definately be that of a 'love' that will withstand ANYTHING...This subject 'When bestfriends fall in love' will be
discussed in more depth on my pages...
So in closing let me ask are you REALLY a true friend? who someone could count on to be there for them throughout life -- no matter what...or are you
just a friend when its conveinient for you to be, not when your friend really does need you?...A true friend is a very rare breed and I think we as a society, whether
it be IRL (in real life) or right here in cyber-world should really take a long hard look at our own lives to see how we truely rate on the scale for being a 'good
friend'...because together we can make this world a better place in which to live...As I leave let me leave you with this thought...


   Remember in life its never what you recieve that counts...but what you give to others, that becomes your legacy...
