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Porcelain Angel

~* My Angel Inspirations *~

Porcelain Angel
Some of you may think that ~*becca*~ has come full circle, while others of you may think I'm not going anywhere or I am worse off than I was before, but efore any of you judge me too harshly---please read all these pages...then maybe, just maybe,you'll understand the
~*becca*~ that you think you know...these pages are all about the people in my life, past, present and future that have inspired me in
some way, shape or form to be the person that I am today...a wee bit better and see for yourself that I have changed for the better...
There are on-line angels as well as off-line angels that  have shown me what 'LIFE' and 'LOVE' is really suppose to be about...We all need guidance as we trudge down the road of life and if we help each other whenever & wherever we need it...Then and only then will our
lives be more enriched and we will surely walk away being a far better person than we were, before that 'angel' popped into our life to
help us out...


If you have a 'REAL-LIFE' or and an 'ON-LINE' angel that has truely enriched your life for the better, I would love to hear all about it...afterall that is what life is all about...Isn't it?...I really feel that we are all here for one purpose only and that's to be an
inspiration to everyone we meet, whether in real life or right here in this vast new wave of future communications called 'Cyber-Space'...
life or right here in this vast new wave of future communications called "Cyber-Space'...what a wonderful world in which we live...Don't you agree?


In order to view any of these pages simply click on the Porcelin Angel thats watching over the page you would like to view and she will help you to get there...


porcelainangel2.gif (3760 bytes) ~*Angels Gone...but...Not Forgotten *~
My Daddy -- How I Miss You Since You Went Away ~*My Angel Daddy*~
Mom you will Always be my Inspiration -- No Matter where you are... ~*My Angel Mother*~
Real Life Angels...Gone Forever... ~*Real Life Angels...Gone Forever*~
To All My Angel Friends... ~* Online Angels *~
To All My Angel Friends... ~*To All My Angel Friends*~

