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Love Such a Beautiful Experience


These 2 questions I have asked myself many times over the past several months...Can it work?...Will it work?...Before we decide if 'love' can and will work lets explore this thing called 'Love'...


There are many different kinds of 'love'...for instance...the love you have for your mother - your father - your sister - your brother - your friends - your 1st love - your 'one true love' …yes… and even a 'net love', etc...The love I am talking about though is that once in a lifetime feeling, that we may or may never experience throughout our life…but… if you do you will know that you have indeed reached ecstasy *ss*...


Love is a connection of the heart...Love can climb mountains you thought were (un)climbable...Love can reach heights you never before thought were reachable...Love can move all barriers you thought were (un)movable... Love can conquer even the roughest ocean and soothe the already calm seas...All you have to do is believe in the 'power of love' and what that 'power' can do for you...


Love can’t be one sided, it takes (2) people to 'love' and both to believe in the 'power' that only true love can have…(2) people who believe that 'LOVE' indeed can overcome all obstacles (big or small) -- (2) people who 'love' each other equally (no more and no less) -- (2) people who not only said in 'sickness and in health' but meant every word -- till death you do part --…


Now let's explore that power…the ultimate power…the one and only power…the 'Power of Love'


LOVE -- such a small word with an oh so powerful meaning…Can anyone of us choose when, how & most of all who we fall in love with?…The answer is simply -- NO -- Love doesn't see age, time, distance, nationality, looks or even wealth -- LOVE can strike anyone at anytime…young and old alike…


LOVE is one of the strongest (yet) weakest emotions any of us can have…Let me elaborate on that statement for a minute if I may -- 'Strongest (yet) Weakest Emotion'


Strongest Love: We all know how strong love can be…Right?…so that part of my previous statement is self explanatory, because I am sure all of us out there either know of someone who has had or have a 'love' that strong…so strong…that it seems that even if they had to walk through fire they would with no worries or even take a bullet to protect the other half of their heart…so…If you have a love that strong then you my friend hold the world in the palm of your hands…


Weakest Love: We've explored how strong 'love' can be -- but -- how weak can 'love' be you ask?…well…I'm sure you have all heard of this cliché -- "LOVE IS BLIND" -- This saying alone tells us exactly how weak love can be -- I'm sure all of you out there in cyber-land have known someone (whether in real life or right here in cyber-ville) that really couldn't see he/she beyond the rose colored glasses of their heart…How many times did you try to warn them about the person they 'loved' or thought they 'loved'?…You did this -- because -- only a 'TRUE FRIEND' would risk all to protect the friend that they love…Risk possibly even losing this friend -- but in your heart you knew that if you didn't warn your friend of his/hers impending doom -- then really what type of a friend would you be?…


I saved the best love for last...Now let's explore the 'Best Love' of a persons life…This type of love I call 'best friends'…I know now I've confused some of you…Haven't I?…This 'best friend' type of love -- starts out just as it says -- 'BEST FRIENDS' -- but miraculously it changes…We all know that a best friend is someone that you can share anything and everything with (including your deepest darkest secrets) and know that when all is said and done -- no matter what -- you will always have a 'best friend' for all eternity…Have you ever heard of the song that Anita Cochran wrote and performs with Steve Wariner called 'What If I Said'?…Here are the words to that beautiful song…


What If I Said

We've been friends for a long, long time
You tell me your secrets and I'll tell you mine
She's left you all alone And you feel like no one cares
But I have never failed you
I've always been there

You tell your story
It sounds a bit like mine
It's the same old situation
It happens every time
Can't we see it oh maybe you and me
Is what's meant to be
Do we disagree

What if I told you what if I said that I love you
How would you feel what would you think
What would we do
Do we dare to cross that line between your heart and mine
Or would I lose a friend or find a love that would never end
What if I said

She doesn't love you oh it's' plain to see
I can read between the lines of what you're telling me
He doesn't hold you the way a woman should be held
How long can I go on keeping these feelings to myself

What if I told you what if I said that I love you
How would you feel what would you think
What would we do
Do we dare to cross that line between your heart and mine
Or would I lose a friend or find a love that would never end
What if I said

Oh we've both had our share of loneliness
So whose to say that we can't have a little happiness
And if I found that in you It would make my dreams come true
Or would you walk away
Hear what I have to say

What if I told you what if I said that I love you
How would you feel what would you think
What would we do

Do we dare to cross that line between your heart and mine
I've always wondered from the day we met
What if I said
What if I said
What if I said


That's really what 'love' -- 'true love' -- is suppose to be all about…you start out as friends, that develops to best friends, then if that best friendship decides to go a step further -- then -- it could ultimately turn out to be the love of a lifetime…and really that's exactly what all of us want -- the fairy tale kind of 'love' -- the love that everyone dreams about -- but -- only a few --a very few -- ever really get the opportunity to experience…
Just in case what I've said here on this page is still a bit confusing to you -- then maybe ALABAMA said it best with their song -- 'How Do You Fall In Love' -- just remember that 'life' is full of challenges and the biggest challenge of all -- Is LOVE…

How do you fall in love
How do you say I do
When is the perfect time
To spend the rest of your life

Seasons may come and go
And sometimes it rains and snows
And there will be highs and lows
So only you will know

You never know just where it will find you
'Cause it can come on you so fast
Seems like it takes forever
When you want it so bad

But don't ever take it for granted
'Cause it's more than sowing some seeds
It takes sun and water
So give it what it needs

And that's how you fall in love
That's when you say I do
That's when you know it's time
To spend the rest of your life

Now seasons may come and go
And sometimes it rains and snows
There will be highs and lows
So only you will know

There will be highs and lows
So only you will know


Whether in real-life or right here in cyber space, no matter where you find 'love'...'love' is love... 'Love' can and does conquer time, space and 'yes' even distance...
I hope I have helped you to better understand this thing called 'LOVE'…Let me leave you with this thought…A wise man once said…


…To 'LOVE' is truly a gift -- but -- oh to 'BE LOVED' is far better to still…


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