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Mothers Special Angel

~* My Angel Mother *~


This page is dedicated to my mother...i lost my mom in April of 1997 so almost 3yrs now...The song that reminds me most about my mom was written
by Dolly Parton...its called 'AN EAGLE WHEN SHE FLIES'...golly this song has reminded me of my mom for a longtime now but especially towards
the end of her life, there’s a part that goes something like this...she’s a sparrow, when she’s broken but she’s an eagle when she flies...


Those 2 lines really describe my mom, I guess to help all of you know what type of a woman my mom was I would have to say that even though
my mom knew for the last 5 months of her life that she was dying and there was no hope, she never stopped believing in a miracle--A miracle for
some seemed impossible to achieve but for my mom...She knew that if it was meant to be--It Would Be...I took care of my mom the last 3 weeks  of
her life and I will never exchange those memories for all the gold in all the world...the last time I spoke with my mom (April 18th) at 4am, *tears*
golly this is so much harder than I thought it would be, anyway the last time I spoke with my mom, she told me something that surprised me, (you
see she had been doing very good, getting stronger and even in less pain day by she said to me that morning really took me totally
by surprise) she said "Ya know I'm going home"...this was the 1st time since she was diagnosed that she ever talked like she wasn't going to make

it...When I realized that my mom was talking about dying I said "Mom even well people have there days where they don’t feel quite up to par."...and...

with that she reached her hand out and touched my cheek and said 'I Love You' then she drifted off to sleep, by 7 AM that same morning---A mere 3 hrs.
later---I went to check on my Mom and she was gone---No not "Home" as she called it...but...In between here and there, she had slipped into a coma,

they say before someone is physically ready to go onto the next plain, they have to be mentally ready as well…


Little did I know at that time that my moms life here on earth would soon be only a memory...A memory of a woman that was full of life and so much to give was soon---very soon---going to be over...I was told that in a coma their hearing becomes more sensitive and they can hear the littlest sound, its almost like the ears take over where their other senses fail, just like a blind man whos hearing is very much intensified because he doesn't have the use of his eyes anymore...Such as with the comatose patient...My mom passed away @ 1:20pm, Saturday the 19th of April, 1999...My sister Diana and I were by her bedside when she decided to go home, where she belonged once again beside my Dad and my brother Mike, which both had died yrs. earlier...



~* Letter to My Mom *~

My Dearest Mother,

I never took the time out whilst you were alive to tell you how truly greatful I was and always will be to you for the things that you have taught me along the road of life *tears*...You were an inspiration to me in more ways than you ever knew---even in death you continue to be my guiding light...

Mom you have to be the bravest person that I know to have gone through the last days of your life knowing there was 'no hope'...But...somehow always believing in a miracle up until the last day...

Mom if by chance your watching over me from above and reading these pages---Iam truly sorry for all the pain I caused you in your life...I know when I was growing up we never got along and

fought like cats and dogs and it seemed that it was Dad that always brought the 2 of us back together again...

Mom I really wish that I had told you that 'I Loved You' that day *tears*...and...told you what an inspiration you had been to me throughout my life...I truely miss you more than I ever thought I would...n

Mom why is it that when we lose someone it's always the things that we didn't 'SAY' or 'DO'---but should have---That we remember, and most of all regret?...

The lessons you taught me mom are more valuable than ever, I didn’t put them to use while you were alive, but I can assure you it's because of 'Your Love' and 'Your Belief' in me that definately does help me to get through each day...

I guess I always took you for granted, as most kids do...Most of all I always thought that you and Daddy would be around forever, but unfortunately reality comes crashing down and then you come to the relization that people aren't Immortal...Not even your parents *tears*...

Mom I miss you and love you very, very much...


*biggest mom hugs 4-ever*
~* becca *~
