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~*~*~*~*~* Australian Scenery *~*~*~*~*~


To here the song that was used a lot during the olympic games  click on the title below...


To hear the 'I Still Call Australia Home Song' -- Click Here


Please be patient whilst these pages load...Depending on your connection rate and your PC will depend on how quickly they load as I said previously these are small pics -- but -- since my b/f and I love the beautiful scenery that our world has to offer we get a little camera happy *lol* some of you this may take awhile...but...believe you me they are well worth the wait *ss*...We both are only amateur photographers, but with a place such as Oz anyone can be a Pro...

Once again you can click on any of the pics that you would like to see better (up close and personnal) *ss*...


Here's some beautiful pictures takin in Sydney or around Australia...Most of these sights I have seen because we took them ourselves and then the ones I haven't seen I thought they were spectacular, (*crossing my fingers* with a little luck and a lot of hope I will get to go to the places that I have never seen but always wanted to) and I just needed to share them with the rest of the world too can enjoy there wonderous beauty...I will try to describe each one to the best of my knowledge for you and if you would like to see more of the Australian Landscapes and learn more of there history you can find 'anything' that you want, using the largest library in the world...none bigger than the Internet... Simply choose a search engine such as yahoo etc...My preferrence is Search-a-lot this one is found at :

but any of the major search engines will do the trick for go to this search engine just click on there addy. above and you'll discover the Australia that you never knew existed...


The Sydney Opera House - Where a lot of musicals are performed and new talent can be discovered...To date I have not yet seen the inside of this marvelous building but have passed by the outside many, many times, it still amazes me how anyone can build a roof such as this and make it hold up in all sorts of weather...but it seems to hold up just fine, so whomever designed and built this structure sre knew what he/she was doing...Ya think???

Click here -- to see a larger view


Click here -- to see a larger view

~* April 1999 *~

This is my favourite of all Australian birds thus far, he's a Kookaburra...I named him bandit the first time I saw him cause the black around his eyes reminded me of a bandit...He would come and sit sometimes on the patio in the mornings and we would feed him bread as you can see on the post to the right of bandit...He once took a piece of bread from my b/f mum's hand and gave her a little nip (as she calls it) *lol* my eyes he's still a cutie *ss*...


May 1999

Me on my very first bushwalk ever...hmmm...I hadn't even heard of one before I came here *lol*...Come to think of it I have had a lot of firsts since arriving in this new horizon of my life *ss*...

Click here -- to see a larger view


Click here -- to see a larger view

June 1999

Another bushwalk -- by the way, this is my immitation of "The Blair Witch Project" *lol*...Do you think so???...Personnally I think she'd be jealous *lol*...


The Sydney Harbour Bridge -- This is the same bridge you may or may not have seen during the "Sydney 2000 Olympics"...They had a big 'bang' so to speak at the ending of the olympics from this bridge...It was     stupendous...There are 2 flags that usually fly ontop of this bridge, but you really couldn't see them all that well,  so I improvised... Click here -- to see a larger view


Click here -- to see a larger view

The beautiful sunset over the Sydney waters...This was such a beautiful sight that we had to take a picture of it   for our photo album...We both enjoy the beautiful sunsets and we'll never tire of seeing the world in all its breath taking views...We also enjoy watching the sunrise and the colors that mother nature can and does bestow on us every morning and night...The colors never cease to amaze me and everyday they always seem so different...

The World is a Beautiful place in which to be *ss*...


1999 Sydney Harbour View - This is a birds eye view...Notice how clear the day was...I remember the very first morning here...It amazed me how far the eye could actually see on a clear day and ya know what...   It still does *ss*...

Click here -- to see a larger view


Isn't this an awesome pic...We took this just as the clouds started to roll in as the sun was starting to set...We never drempt that it would turn out to be such a lovely view to behold...Its amazing that even with a small camera you can still see the vibrant colors that our world has to offer...


This is 3 different views of the waters here in Sydney... They are just breathe taking we think...It was a beautiful day the day we took these photos -- it was daytime as you can see -- but -- the cloud cover was exceptional that day and made the sky look even more spectacular than it already was, not to mention the sun peeking through the clouds to make the water glisten...

Beautiful Sydney Waters


The Beautiful Scenery that Surounds the Harbour Bridge

This is a wonderful view of the harbour bridge -- it shows the city in the background as well as the beautiful scenery that surround the waters of Sydney...It is an awesome site to behold...


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