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~* Special Poetry *~

You can go to any of these special pages by clicking on the angel button beside each title. I felt that these poems/stories deserved a little special flair because of there meaning. A friend on ICQ named Spike sent me the link to this poetry site when he found out I was looking for special poems (poems with that extra special meaning), so a very big *Thanks* to Spike *huggies*  without him I would have never been blessed with being able to read such lovely poems. They really are a work of...'ART THAT COMES FROM THE HEART'...

I e-mailed the lady responsible for having these poems up on her site to ask her if I could possibly use some of the poems on mine and she said...

        'An unread poem, is like a painting hidden away in a closet for no one to enjoy'                  

so a very big 'Thank-You' goes out to you Marilyn. Marilyn I agree with you 110%, I am sure that these poems will touch someone out there in cyber-space, the way that they have touched my heart. Maybe if enough people get the message(s) that these poems display, we can make this world a better place in which to live, 'one poem at a time'...Thanks for sharing these poems with the cyber-community and doing your part to make OUR world a beautiful place in which to live.

I truly believe without a shadow of doubt that WE ALL can make a difference on here and in our real lives --...'If we just take one person at a time'...*ss*


~* A Wish Comes True *~ ~* A Wish Comes True *~
~* And God Said NO *~ ~* And God Said NO *~
~* Choices *~ ~* Choices *~
~* Death of an Innocent *~ ~* Death of an Innocent *~
~* Erik and the Old Man *~ ~* Erik and the Old Man *~
~* Expect the Best *~ ~* Expect the Best *~
~* Footprints in the Mind *~ ~* Footprints in the Mind *~
~* Friends Without Faces *~ ~* Friends Without Faces *~
~* God's Chair *~ ~* God's Chair *~
~* It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn *~ ~* It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn *~
~* Jeremy's Egg *~ ~* Jeremy's Egg *~
~* Lil' Angel *~ ~* Lil' Angel *~
~* Look in Your Heart *~ ~* Look in Your Heart *~
~* My Mother's Garden *~ ~* My Mother's Garden *~
~* No One *~ ~* No One *~
~* The Dawning *~ ~* The Dawning *~
~* The Wallet *~ ~* The Wallet *~
~* The Whispering Winds of Change *~ ~* The Whispering Winds of Change *~
~* Time Helps Love *~ ~* Time Helps Love *~
~* What Is LOVE *~ ~* What Is LOVE *~
~* Why are Things the Way They Are *~ ~* Why are Things the Way They Are *~
~* Will Always Love You *~ ~* Will Always Love You *~
~* Wisdom in Chat *~ ~* Wisdom in Chat *~
~* Words to Live By *~ ~* Words to Live By *~
~* Moving Thoughts *~ ~* Moving Thoughts *~



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