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~* Expect the Best *~


Echoes surround estranged thoughts
Shouting voicelessly in the hollows of our minds

Quietly connecting the currents of crimson cables
Stimulating recessive memories cowering in fear

Love felt pain grasps at our being
With vice-like strength and tenacity

Searing tears scorch the flesh
Puddling in pools of steam at our feet

Thoughts incest-ally overlap each other
Disturbing the silent, slumbering soul

Child-like cries emanate from disturbed depths
Begging forgiveness on the knees of our heart

Joy flows forth with blissful intensity
Guiding us through light white with wisdom

Lies fall away, replaced by unfolding truths
Re-Birthing again what failed to manifest originally

Silence resumes its position, directing our thoughts
Inter spaced with compassion and love

Quietness becomes our guide
Speaking softly, demanding patience to listen

As time walks on, pain encourages healing
Sadness disperses to laughter, hate evolves love
And wholeness, once again, transforms the pieces.


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