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~*~*~*~*~*~* Worlds Apart *~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~*~*~* Worlds Apart *~*~*~*~*~*~

Our Song - I Knew I Loved You

Click on the above spinning world to hear our song playing as you read the story I wrote about us...Be sure to also check out the song that I wrote shortly after arriving here in this beautiful country...I have never written a song before...but...hey what can I say...afterall...I had the greatest inspiration known to man (or in my case woman) *lol*...Enjoy!!!

This story of 'How We Met' I wrote approximately 10 months ago, so some of the dates you'll just have to add the months too...and'll obtain a more accurate time table...Although my views may have changed, just a little since I wrote this, one fact very much stays the same and continues to grow stronger day-to-day, and thats the fact that this man alone saved my life in more ways than one since I wrote this *ss*...and those of you that I talk to on the 'Net' on a regular basis know exactly what I mean by that last statement...Well without further ado here's the story you've all been waiting for...Well some of you have anyway *lol*...At this point I do plan on writing an update to this sure to check back often to see just how we are going...


I met this man in a chat room about 3yrs ago. We started out as just friends. He was seeing someone else in real life and I was going through a very bad time with a marriage that was doomed from the start.

As time progressed though, his real life relationship ended and I did have another online man that I thought could be the man of my dreams. Oh, how very wrong I was. Maybe I was blinded by the fact that this other online man could write such lovely poetry, and most of his poems were about me, or so he said.

This man that befriended me 3yrs ago I will call Prince, because in my eyes that's exactly what he is. *ss*

He was there for me when my online relationship wasn't doing well at all. He would listen to me whenever I needed to talk to him and always manage to make me smile at the end of our talks. So many times I wished that he wasn't miles and miles away from me. *sigh* You see my Prince lives in the land down under, Australia and I am from America. It seems like we are worlds apart and if it hadn't been for the technology of cyberspace I would have never had the pleasure of knowing Prince.

Approximately 2yrs ago now, was when Prince first told me that he loved me. *ss* But as luck would have it, I was still very much hung up on this other online man. Prince waited around for me and we still continued our talks, he would even call me up on the phone to talk and of course that would be in the wee hours of my morning because of the time difference. But I never minded being woke up at 3am by him, because by this time Prince had quickly became my best online friend. I felt that I could tell Prince anything and everything and that wouldn't change how he felt about me, and vice versa.

Prince did try to move on with his life and ended up finding another online woman. But even through this Prince and I remained the best of friends. We were always there for each other through thick and thin. This new found online relationship had deteriorated to the point of no return and left Prince very hurt by what she had done to him. Hurt to the point that I think it has left Prince with the impression that all women are like she is. Sad isn't it? He was ready to settle down with this girl for life since he thought there was no hope where I was concerned. *sigh* If only I had woken up earlier to the fact that I was in love with Prince then I could have saved him all of that heartache.

At the beginning of 1999 I had made the decision to go to Australia because I thought someone there really needed my help (another online friend) and I would go to the ends of the world to help a friend in need. That's what friends are for in good times as well as bad times. Right? When I told Prince I was going to OZ and why, he immediately offered his assistance and said he would pick me up at the airport and that I could stay with him for as long as I needed or wanted to. Talk about your one in a million guys, huh?

Before I even went to OZ, I started having these feelings about Prince myself, feelings that I couldn't explain. At first I thought they were feelings of love, but the kind of love that any of us would have for our best friend.

I remember the 1st time I touched 'My Prince' at Sydney airport. It was a dream come true. A dream that at one time I would have thought impossible, but now right before my eyes 'My Prince' was standing. I couldn't believe after all this time I was finally here and in the arms of the man that literally saved my life.

Since my 1st marriage failed, I always thought that I would never marry again, and if I did it would definitely have to be to 'My Best Friend' in all the world. Then and only then, would that be a 'LOVE' that could withstand the trials and tribulations of time.

I have been in OZ now for about 7 months. I know eventually I will have to go back to America, which will be EXTREMELY hard for me, but with me I will take memories…happy memories…memories of how wonderful and beautiful life can be…memories of how I would have wanted my life to be…but as I am sitting here writing this I know there will be one major thing I won't take back to America with me when I go and that's…'MY HEART'…'My Prince' will always and forever hold the 'key' that unlocks my heart.

Prince if your reading this, please know I will love you throughout ETERNITY even though we will be 'Worlds Apart'.


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