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Understanding the Internet

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A humble admission: " I'm neither an expert of the web nor an 'internet guru'. This page is not targeted at the computer buffs, its for the first time users and novice web surfers !"

Please read the disclaimer

Internet is a technology, its not just web surfing. There's a common belief that everything and anything is available on the net. This is not true ! One should understand that web sites are created by individuals or organisations like you and me. If not impossible, it's an herculean task to make every form of information available on the net. One can increase the information resource, and this resource is multiplying by leaps & bounds. Lets learn more about this wonderful technology.


Requirements for accessing the Internet:

Computer preferably with multimedia because web sites have lot of sound and video files that you may not like to miss.

Modem - Voice/Data/Fax modem - 33 or 56 Kbps.

Telephone connection - Your telephone line is required not your Telephone instrument!

An internet account with valid user name and password.

Web Browser : Internet Explorer comes bundled with Windows. Netscape Navigator is also a popular option.

Other useful softwares that will enhance your browsing experience:



Purpose of the software

Disk space

Macromedia Flash Microsoft    
Real Player RealNetworks Inc. Plays audio & video files in rap format. They call it streaming multimedia files.

The files arrive in streams, they are buffered in your machine and played for you.

Cute FTP   Downloading files from FTP sites. Your window is divided into two portion, the left one is your local memory disk and the right one is the remote Ftp site. You can use drag & drop features to download or upload your files. Note: Some ftp sites require permission for downloading or uploading files.  
MP3 player   MP3 is a format in which an audio file can be stored. It uses file compression technique to use less memory space. A song in an audio CD occupies 40-50 MB space, the same song when converted to MP3 format is of 4-5 MB size. Hence, MP3 has become a powerful means of storing songs in the internet and your own hard disk.

To run an MP3 file you require an MP3 player.

Windows Media Player Microsoft corp. Supports many file formats for audio and video files  
Win Zip Nico Mac computing Inc, USA Files compression and de compression utility. It's a MUST for your machine. Many software come in zipped form so it's required for installation of these software.There are files on the net in compressed format. These can be downloaded but opening of the files would require Win Zip utility.  
Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems Inc. Some files are in .pdf format available for download.Generally, a brochure, booklet, manual etc. will be stored in PDF format. You need the acrobat reader to read these files.  

How Internet Works:

We are all familiar with telephonic conversation. When you dial a number in USA you dial the country code+area code+the tel number like 001 812 6361764. This is a unique number which enables you to make your call through your national gateway VSNL. What comes in between is our local Telephone exchange, microwave towers and satellites.

We also know that it is possible for two computers to communicate. There are various means - you connect the two machines directly with a cable or you can use a telephone line.

Let's examine how we are able to browse the net

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LAN - Local Area Network

A network of computers established through cables. This is a coaxial communication cable that is designed specifically to carry data. The data being carried by the cable should not be distorted, hence a special cable is used. The local network of such computers is called a LAN.

LAN requires each computer to have a unique IP address, the computer has a special network card and software to make this communication possible. Each computer in the network is controlled by the user. He can allow others to share files in his machine on a selective basis. He has three options - share no file, share some files or share all the files. Additionally, he can grant others a

READ permission : Files can only be read or viewed by others

FULL ACCESS : Others are allowd to add, edit or delete the files on his computer.

An extension of the LAN through earth stations (microwave link) creates a WAN - Wide Area network. Further a WAN can be extended to form a MAN - Metro Area Network.

Dial UP Network

It's a temporary network created through telephone lines and modems. The other computer is connected only when the telephone is dialled by an authorised user.

Where is information stored

Web pages are stored in an arranged manner in a computer to form a web site. This computer called a web server is made accessible by the owner of the web site for others. We are concerned with what is the URL of the information we need, not where the information is located. The web server of yahoo is located in the USA.

However, if we know that the same page is available in two web servers - one in India and the other one in USA, it'll be better to request for the web page from the Indian server because net traffic will be minimised.

Terms and Definitions

ISP Internet Service Provider: The company that provides you with the Internet Services. In general, it the internet access service for users like you and me. Previously only VSNL was the ISP in India, now many national and regional ISPs are available. Some of the other ISPs are MTNL, Satyam Online, Mantra Online, DSL Dishnet, Net4you.

ISPs can provide a no. of services like Web Hosting, Email, Newsgroup, FTP and the most common Internet Access Service thro' one of these - Dial Up Network, ISDN, leased lines, Cable network.

DNS Server Domain name Server. Also called your host computer.This configured to serve internet requests from users. It processes the name provided in www format converts the name into the appropriate IP address and locates the desired server. It acts as the mediator between the user (client)of internet and the owner (server) of the web site.
Web Server The computer that contains the pages and information for others to see. A web server can serve the world wide web or it can serve locally in a local area network. For a LAN, any computer can be configured to serve other computers on the network.The software is available in the Windows CD.To make a computer as a web server you need to install a special software like IIS (Internet Information Server), PWS (peer web services)
Mail Server A computer configured to act as a post office in the internet. It will enable you to send and receive emails.This is generally owned by your ISP or with your network administrator.
Database Server A computer to serve data to its users. This is the most common server for commercial purposes.It will have a database where data will be stored and processed as per user request. Common databases are Oracle, Sybase, Informix, DB2, Access etc.
FTP Server File Transfer Protocol Server: This server enables transfer of files. One can perform different functions (e.g read,edit, update,delete,add )on the files dependening on the permission granted to him
Proxy Server As the name suggests its a proxy server. You may not have direct access to say the internet, but you can gain access to the internet through a proxy server. This is useful in organisations where a single internet account can be used by multiple users in the organisation.
IP Address Internet Protocol address uses a numeric convention to address a computer. Its in the format This forms a unique address for a computer that can be located in a network.This is a unique address and no two computers in the internet can have the same IP address.
URL Universal Resource Locator: The complete address of a web page is the URL. eg: is the URL for my personal homepage..
HTML Hypertext Markup Language. It is a scripting language used for displaying web pages in a web browser.
Web Browser It is a software to view web pages. Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator are two popular ones.
Web Site It is a place in a computer where web pages are stored.It has an address like its called a web site - because this place can be visited through the internet (web).Just like a tourist site is visited by tourists a web site is visited by web surfers.That's why they say - You are visitor of this site !!

Another viewpoint: A man asks you " Do you have a telephone exchange in your company?"

"Yes, we have our own telephone exchange" , you reply.

Supposing someone asks you, "Do you have a web site?"

"No, I don't have one, but my company has a web site !", will be your reply.

Hope you get the point !!!

Services of Internet:

It is a common belief that web surfing and internet are one and the same thing. Its worth remembering that 'internet is a technology'. This technolgy has various services to offer:

Web Surfing: The most common service. It's done through a universally accepted standard adressing system. You request by giving the internet address, also called the URL (Universal resource Locator). You need a software called browser like Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Eurodra etc to surf the web.

An example of Internet Address:


http: Hyper text transfer protocol

www: World Wide Web consortuim

yahoo: is the domain name

com: the type of domain.Other types are org (organisational), net (network), gov (government) , edu (education)

E Mail: The utility service. Most widespread, popular and understood. E-mail like those of hotmail,yahoo,rediff,mailcity etc. are web based (pioneered by shabeer bhatiya of hotmail fame). In these cases you go to a web page and send or read your emails. Howevere, in most cases you can configure these web based account to receive/send your email right at your desktop.

You use an email client like Outlook express to utilise this servce.

FTP: File Transfer Protocol. Used to share files over the internet. Unlike the http, it uses the format There are other sofwares like the CuteFTP available to use this service, though you can do this with Internet Explorer also.

Message Boards: A discussion forum on the internet where you can take part in discussions.You can post your views and reply to views posted by others as well. So the discussion continues...

New group: A service to which you subscribe to post and receive news from amongst the members of the grup.

On Line Chat: The hot favourite and the in-thing. You chat with people in a virtual room of your choice. This is possible in both text and voice. Not all chat rooms have voice available.

Video Conferencing: An extension of the online chat where a camera is positioned in front of you. In real time you take part in a discussion. Useful for corporate meetings.

Internet Phone: This is a PC to PC phone call through the internet. You need to have a software like mediaring installed in your machine and the receipient's machine. The advantage is that both the parties pay for a local call and the internet service.

Internet Banking: You manage and operate your bank account through the internet. Obviously, your bank should first extend this service to you. Requires high level seurity.

Mobile Computing: The latest in internet service. Services are made available to you through your mobile phone.

E-Commerce: The buzzword of the new millenum. Shop online in virtual shopping malls. Requires a secure payment procedure, support of transporters (courier services), uniform taxation laws etc.


What is an Internet Account

You subscribe with an ISP to get an internet account. This is granted to you for a duration of say 25,100,250,500 or 5000 hours. Some ISPs provide unlimited access hours, in which case they charge you for a certain duration of service (may be monthly,quarterly or annually). Your account is used whenever you log in and make an internet connection. What you do after getting connected is immaterial - whether you broswe web pages, or send an email or transfer a file or go for an online chat. Your account will be used from the time of connection to disconnection.

You manage your account with your password. This can be (and should be) changed regularly. Your user name cannot be changed by you. Generally, your account name becomes your email address - like where Satyam is the ISP.

How do you pay for your internet service

During a dial up internet connection you use two things:

  1. Telephone Line - This is provided to you by your telephone company (DoT, MTNL etc). Once you are using their services you are charged by them like ordinary telephone charges.
  2. Internet Account - This is provided by your ISP. They have already charged you.For 100 hrs. account VSNL charges Rs.1600. So if you use the intenet for one hour your account is depleted by one hour. Consider it as a pre paid credit card.

Example: Charges for using the internet service for 1 hour through Dial Up network

1 Telephone charges =60/5 = 12 local calls 12x1.25 = Rs.16.00
2 ISP charges = 1600/100   Rs.16.00

TOTAL for 1 Hour


This is just an example. Actual charges may vary on the type of connection and account usage.


Disclaimer : The information provided is as per my knowledge and understanding of the internet. An attempt has been made to explain the terms and functions in a simple and user friendly manner. In case you find any errors/deviations please let me know. You'll be credited in these pages for your valuable suggestion.

All trademarks are of the individual owners.

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