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Dear Mountain Girl

Dear Mountain Girl Oh Dear Girl of the Mountain, how God’s Love smiles upon you! He watched your quietness as a little girl. You picked flowers and danced with butterflies. You loved the small and cuddly. You walked toe and heel through every forest glen. You traveled on every wistful path. And you loved that which abounds in nature and learned the words associated with her ways. Oh how He loves you, dear little Mountain Girl! Now He wants your troubled heart to be at Peace; to join little Mountain Girl in the serenity of Nature’s Bliss! His Gentle Hand extends toward you, beckoning you to His side. His Love can heal you. It is Perfect as it always has been. It will cast out all that is Evil and Ugly, which you Mountain Girl fly far above, oblivious to its menacing grasp. You are Mountain Girl, as you ever have been and ever were meant to be. So let it be so, let this be so, until it is done. And as it is said in the Mountain, He will carry you up, encircling you in the arms of His Love, unto His Holy Mountain.

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