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Bengali Food on the Web

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Begun Pora (Roasted Eggplant)

Serving : 4

Smoke or roast the eggplant: Hold the eggplant over a low open gas flame. Rotate frequently. The skin will gradually darken, the eggplant will start to sag, and you will notice a pleasant smoky smell. After about 20 minutes or half an hour, when the skin is completely charred, remove the eggplant from the flame. Allow the eggplant to cool, then discard all of the skin, and mash the eggplant.

Add chopped onion, green chili, oil, salt and corriender leaves and mix properly.

Ready to serve with chapati or steamed rice.

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Begun Bhaja (Fried Eggplant)

Serving : 4 (2 pieces each)

Cut the pieces horizontaly with a thickness of 1/2 inches. Marinate with turmeric powder, sugar and salt for 15 minutes. Add oil in a shalow vessel. Keep the flame at minimum. Add the pieces, cover the vessel and fry. Occasionaly flip the pieces. Fry till the pieces are soft.

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Beguni (Fried Eggplant with Besan)

Serving : 4 (4 pieces each)

Prepare a medium thick lye of besan. Add pinch of baking powder in it. Cut the eggplant in thin pieces (2-3 mm) of size 1" X 3" . Heat oil in a vessel. Coat the pieces with lye and deep fry. Serve with tea / coffee as snacks.

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