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  Non Veg Fish Items
Fish Curry


1. Fish (Rohu or Katla) 500 g - Cleaned and cut in pieces  6. Ginger paste - 1 tsp
2. Potato 50 gms - cut in medium pieces 11/2" (optional) 7. Turmeric Powder - to taste
3. Tomatoes - 1 medium - Each cut in eight pieces (opt) 8. Salt - to taste
4. Cumin powder (jeera) - 2 tsp 9. Green chilli - to taste
5. Cumin - 1/2 tsp 10. Oil - 100 gms

Marinate the fish pieces with turmeric powder and salt for half an hour. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the fish pieces in it. care to be taken so that all the pieces are intact. If required, the pieces may be fried one or two pieces at a time, or as required. The fish pieces should not be deep fried. Keep the fried pieces aside.

Add cumin and green chilli in the hot oil. Next fry the potatoes (should not be deep fried). Make a paste with ginger paste, Cumin powder and remaining turmeric. Add the same in the vessel and stir for few minutes. Then add water, cover the vessel and simmer the gas. Add the fish pieces when the potatoe is soft. Cover the vessel and boil at low fire for five minutes to make the curry thicker. Then put off the gas and the curry is ready to serve with steamed rice.


 Non Veg Fish Items
Fish Kalia


1. Fish (Rohu or Katla) 500 g - Cleaned and cut in pieces  8. Ginger paste - 1 tsp
2. Onion 2 medium - One finely chopped, one paste 9. Turmeric Powder - to taste
3. Curd - 2 tbsp 10. Salt - to taste
4. Cumin powder (jeera) - 1/2 tsp 11. Red chilli powder - to taste
5. Cumin - 1/2 tsp 12. Oil - 100 gms 
6. Kismis - 15 pieces 13. Sugar 1/2 tsp
7. Garam masala powder (small elaichi, clove, dalchini) 1tsp 14. Ghee - 1 tsp

Marinate the fish pieces with turmeric powder and salt for half an hour. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the fish pieces in it. care to be taken so that all the pieces are intact. If required, the pieces may be fried one or two pieces at a time, or as required. The fish pieces should not be deep fried. Keep the fried pieces aside.

Heat ghee in a vessel, add 1 elaichi, 1 clove and 1 dalchini. Add the oil and saute finely chopped onion, till it is red. Add kismis, salt, sugar and stirr for a few minutes. Add Ginger, jeera and turmeric powder paste and stirr. Water may be sprinkled if required. Stirr for fiv to ten minutes. Add small amount of water and boil. Add the pieces of fishes and curd in the curry. Cover the vessel and boil at low fire for five minutes. Check the thickness of the curry. If it is more than desirable, add some more water or otherwise boil for more time. Add the garam masala powder, put off the gas and the curry is ready to serve.