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A Nation in Mourning

A World in Shock!



Please light a candle


In Remembrance


Of that tragic day 11th September 2001.

When a proud Nation came under attack from terrorists, If the terrorists think they won, think again!.
My heart goes out to all those that lost their lives, to their loved ones, to the injured, to the rescue teams, to all the American people.

One thing shines out of this, the courage, the spirit of the American people. The World must stand by the Americans to stamp out terrorism, because the Americans are always there first for others that need help.

God said "man will destroy himself", when will man learn to stop the destruction. When will they learn to live in


Here are some memorials.








A Nation so tall and proud


While the Eagle cries.
And the angels sighs.
At the the destruction of so many lives.

They spread their wings around the nation.
To give them hope and dedication.

The eagle soars so proud and free.
To show the nation it so will be.

For nothing can break their spirit, no matter how many try.
For they will rise and soar and be as free as the eagle touching the skies.

A Nation so tall and *proud*.




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