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I want to introduce myself <S>. My name is Angela aka (angel), everyone calls me angel more than Angela.
I live in the UK, and i have 2 kids, Son 19 and Daughter 12. Oh!! and a dog called beauty <s>.

I started using a computer around 5 or 6 years ago. So i went back to college to learn more of the computer, you can say a mature student lol.

I love working with computers, so i made a website born_free_1. I put it into a competition with the webbrawls, best thing i did, i have made so many good friends!.

I am divorced but i have a wonderful man in my life. He encourages me to reach dreams that i thought was impossible. Now i know they are not impossible. Passing a lot of courses which is a dream come true.

Being in the fights, i have received a lot of lovely gifts and awards, which i thought was time i made these pages.

I do hope you like these Spirit pages as much as i love doing them <s>.

(pssssst my first Spirit pages lol)




Golden Elite




The competitions i am in *S*.





Please take a look at the VE boards I am with.
A great way to make new friends *S*