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Chick Quotes


"I think back to the time when we were musical wallpaper, calling the clubs we were booked in every 30 minutes to check on ticket sales."

"Neither of us wanted to be a lead singer; that would've scared us to death."

"I've always thought that, if it all ended somehow tomorrow, I'd have a wonderful scrapbook to show my grandchildren. I'd be happy about what we've already accomplished."

"I love being able to play a straight-ahead country tune and then rip into a bluegrass number, then a blues song. To me, that's what's fun about this group."

"You're worried about holding in your stomach and not tripping on your dress."

"We do like to push the envelope a little."


"All of us care so much. Everybody in this band is so passionate about this music."

"We played orchestra in school. We were 'Orch Dorks.'"

"Playing together is all I've ever known."

"We just wanted to have a weekly gig and be able to not have a day job."

"We know we [Emily and Martie] will always be playing music together, so we just wanted to find someone who is just as determined as we are."

"It's fun to be out on the road together..."

"When it comes to music, it is amazing how much we agree on things. It's usually three thumbs up or three thumbs down."


"We get in the most trouble when we're with the Kinleys--all that peroxide!"

"Country music was so prevalent in our family that I was very fortunate to be exposed to it at a very early age."

"Looking back I see how brave Martie and Emily were to do this."

"It's so hard to look at yourself as this hot babe. And I'm going, 'I am such a dork. I am so not sexy.' So, it's very strange to me."

"We're confident in our music and sound, but not in a cocky way. But if you're not confident in your music, then who else will be?"

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