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 Central Illinois Steel Guitar Assoc

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Places To Visit


The following links are friends and promoters of steel guitar and live music.  I hope you will take a minute and check them out.

  PRIMETIME COUNTRY OPRY:  This link will take you to the Prime Time Country Opry.  This is the show Bobby Duncan plays steel on.  The show is every other Sat night in Stanford, Il.  If you get the chance be sure to support this show.

STEEL RADIO: is the absolute tops in steel guitar music.  The site runs 24 hours a day and plays great steel guitar music.  The station was originally founded and created by Tim Wallis and Rich Mounce and was eventually turned over to Michael Scott at Scotty’s Music in St Louis and the great sounds continue.  Please bookmark and station and listen in.  The station also broadcasts live events.  You can check the schedule at the web site.  Try it I know you will LOVE IT.

CORSON MUSIC:  If you are needing personal attention in a music store here it is.  Corson Music is downstate Illinois number one music retailer.  Dyke Corson is a steel player so he knows what you need.  Contact Dyke and his staff for all your music needs.  Corson Music was one of the first to offer support as a Corporate Sponsor.

SOUTHERN ILLINOIS PRODUCTIONS:  This link will take you to the Southern Illinois Productions web page.  They have a show coming up in April of 2005.  The show will be in Benton, Il.  This will be a great show so if you can make it please do.  Check out their web page for more information. 

DOUG JERNIGAN WEB SITE:    Here is the web site of DOUG JERNIGAN.  DOUG will be our featured artist at “Steel Jam 05”.  You can see DOUG’s schedule and much more.  We are looking forward to seeing and hearing DOUG at “Steel Jam 05”.

ILLINOIS ENTERTAINERS:  This is a wonderful site if you are looking for any Midwest and regional acts.  All varieties of music can be found on this site.  Illinois Entertainers is a very informative site.

PAR-A-DISE HOTEL AND CASINO:   Fun and a good time can always be found at the Par-A-Dice Hotel and Casino.  Please check out their fine home on the web.  Par-A-Dice was the first Corporate Sponsor and we appreciate all the help they have been in helping make CISGA a success.  

 For insurance and financial services we urge you to contact GARY SILL.  Gary has been in the business of helping people for years and we know he will treat you right.

 GO COMMUNICATIONS:  Mid-Illinois Mobile Communications & Home Theater Now has joined CISGA as a Corporate Sponsor.  They represent VERIZON and DISH NETWORK.  Please visit their website and let them know you appreciate them supporting CISGA.

BOBBY DUNCAN’S WEBPAGE:  Bobby finally has a personal webpage.  It is just in the beginning stage but please check it out.  Be sure to sign his guestbook and say something nice about him!…hehehe







If you have any links dealing with live music and especially steel guitar please send them to me and I will add them to the links page.  Send them to


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