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Jimmy Olander

Lead Guitar

Biographical Information: Jimmy was born on August 26th, 1961 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  In his teens, he had already learned how to play the banjo and gave others lessons. He wanted to become a famous banjo player. He then found that while in collage in Nashville that guitar players were in a higher demand then banjo players, so, he decided to learn how to play the guitar. He is also considered to be one of the best bender guitar players in the world. He is married to his wife Claudia and they have a son named Max and a dog named Elvis.

Hobbies: Sky diving, working out, and recording music at home in his studio.

Musical Heroes: Earl Scruggs, Leon Rhodes, and Clarence White.

Favorite Food(s): Anything healthy but he also like Mexican foods and pizza.

Favorite Movie: Adventure movies.

Favorite Place: At home working either in the studio or working out in the gym.

Favorite Song(s): Anything by Ella Fitzferald.

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