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Diamond Rio

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Web Site News Update

After a long hiatus at updating this web site, I have decided that it was time to start making an effort at revitalizing it.  Here are a few points to be aware of:

  • I have made a minor design change to the site that I feel makes it better.

  • The news section's archives is no longer available as I have decided to start a-new with the news section.

  • The About page now contains the disclaimer information.

  • I have eliminated the 9/11 page.  While the events of that tragic day will forever haunt us all, I felt that it was a good time to take the page down.  I may add some sort of permanent tribute at a later time.

It is my hope to keep this web site going and to update it frequently.  This, of course, is no guarantee but I plan to try my best.

Thanks for visiting and please check back soon for possible additions and/or updates.

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