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A Friend In Need Is A Friend In Deed

"Friends are considered as second copy of ourselves with whom we share our secrets, whatever the condition is."

I always like to make friends and increase my friend circle. But I believe in having true and real friends. There are many people who are considered as friends but very few who can be called true friends.

"A True friend is a friend for ever."

It means that a true friend is always there for you what ever the condition is. He always thinks good for you even if u have disputes among yourself. I have many friends in college and we have a group called "The Star Group".

There are nearly 20-25 members in the groupand we always try to do something new and exciting. Some of my friends are as: - Rahul, Amit, Ajit,Neelam, Naresh, Manish, Piyush, Milind, Amol, Govind, Mukesh, Milan, Kunal, Sagar,Kapil, ……..

"The value of a special friend cannot be measured, only treasured."

A Real friend is the friend when all the doors of the world closes and all others come out but the real friend steps in.

So i consider that one should make friends but only "True friends"