Serbia - Anti Nato
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Burning U.S. flag animation . Palestine 
Bethlehem, 12/17/98 (AP Photo, middle) and Teheran 4-Nov-99 (Reuters via Yahoo!, right)
 . Burning U.S. flag in Washington, DC
Moscow 28-Mar-99 (AP, left) and Washington 6-Dec-95 (CNN, right)

  Protest in Italy. Protest in Greece
Aviano, Italy, 3-Apr-99 (left,
AP) and Athens, 13-Nov-99 (Reuters)
Burning U.S. flag in San Salvador . Burning U.S. flag video
El Salvador, 11/11/99 (from AP via Yahoo!) and Iraq 1997 video from CNN
Burning U.S. flag in India . Indonesia
Calcutta, 22-May-99 (Reuters via Yahoo!) and Surabaya, 13-Sep-99 (AP via Yahoo!)
Swastikas on US flags in FYR Macedonia. Burning the US Flag in South Africa
Skopje, 20-Nov-99 (left, AP via Yahoo!) and Cape Town 29-Aug-98 (BBC, right)
Burning in Argentina . Burning U.S. flag in China
Buenos Aires 17-Oct-97 (Reuters, left) and Beijing 8-May-99 (CNN, right)


 Czech and Slovak nation together against NATO agression - This WEB page is the first common WEB page of Czechs and Slovaks, who are strictly against any kind of war or imposing of a political or other opinion by using brutal force.

NATO AGRESIJA - Najnovije vesti, obilje fotografija, linkova i pisama nasih sugradjana iz zemlje i inostranstva

NATO bombing of Yugoslavia - truth story - Useful links.God start page if you are interested in NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

Private pages on Kosovo/a - This Belgian site contains links to about a 100 relevant sites on the war in Kosovo, including anti-war sites, and action sites. Also on this site is ORCA-news, a small scale email news agency.

NATO Retards - This site is bringing some news from the

NATO is killing children in Yugoslavia - Help the children of Yugoslavia. Stop the madness. Stop Nato killers. Pomozite deci Jugoslavije. Zaustavite ludilo. Zaustavite Nato ubice.

UT PΕ BARRIKADERNA - Swedish news, comments and articles about NATO aggression against Jugoslavia. Satiric and black humour and culture.

NATO bombing of Yugoslavia - truth story - God start page.

ANTIAMERICA - Russians can say NO to america!

War in Yugoslavia - Newest information about war in Yugoslavia. History of Serbia. Daily updated! A must visit.

Facts and Analysis: War in Yugoslavia and more - Extensive collection of articles and research documents related to the war in Yugoslavia and to dangerous developments in modern societies, such as media control, privacy intrusions and much more. Visit our Doublespeak Dictionary.

Peacemakers - A site to promote discussion on how to bring peace and reconciliation in situations of violence and conflict.

SASHA AGAINST NATO - My site against NATO agression on Yugoslavia

Kosova Mailing List WWW Archive - Archive of a mailing list based in Saarbruecken, Germany, concerning the NATO war against Yugoslavia. Mainly in English, some German and French.

Timmy Ramone's First Casualty Page - You've heard the old saying that

Crimes against Mankind - Join to the STOPNATO discussion list and sign the letter against NATO aggression to INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR FORMER YUGOSLAVIA

South Florida Antiwar Committee - Aggression against the people of Yugoslavia is not over yet, it just entered a new phase after NATO launched its illegal occupation of Kosovo. We are a diverse group of people in South Florida opposing Clinton's foreign policy and determined to fight NATO until its complete withdrawal from the Balkans.

weimingpage - Articles by Writer Wei Ming

Students4peace at the University of Michigan - S4P is dedicated to a more balanced analysis and portrayal of the war in the balkans. If you are looking for won't find it here!

Europeans wake up! - US companies bomb Serbia. THey must empty their stock of rockets. They hypnotize their people, telling them that they are humanitarian!!

NATO agression of Yugoslavia - I am nobody, but I am making My voice heard: This war is the complete opposite of what NATO is claiming it to be. It is opressive, it is against human dignity, and against every single piece of international law ever written.

ALLIED HACKERS FOR PEACE COUNTERINFORMATION ON YUGONAM - My italian site, in cooperation with Danica Razlag from Beograd who translate for me, is born for doing counterinformation about the real situation in Yugoslavia. Recently we started with a no-profit alliance with all hackers from all the world: AHP, Allied Hackers for Peace. First goal was: obtaining most objective reports from national TELEVIDEO and MEDIAVIDEO, that are italian telet

Circles of life - Circles of Life protest for the NATO military occupation in Yugoslavia.

OAZA vs NATO - Sajt posvecen agresiji nato na YU. Vesti, fotografije, linkovi,pisma, grafiti. montaze....

Athens Photo News 1, - Greek photojournalist's site with exclusive photos from Yugoslavia. News magazine site in Greece.

Internet Cruiser - Search the Yugoslav Web - New yugoslav search engine - Internet Cruiser - can find any word from over 30,000 yugoslav pages!

the War in Yugoslavia! - A site that describes moral, political, and legal reasons to object to the US/NATO aggression against the sovereign nation of Yugoslavia. Many important links are also provided.

Under The Gun - If you want to penetrate the smoke screen and find out more about Operation Allied Force, come spend time with me, Under The Gun and experience bombing as seen by a Belgrade citizen.

Never go to war... - Never go to war with a country whose national holiday celebrates a defeat in 1389

Beyond the News! - Beyond the News! By passes the controlled news media!The hottest News on the Net starts here. With unlimited Resources Worldwide!Your gateway to the World. Hard to find information Guaranteed come see for yourself!

the truth about Kosovo - maps, alternative information resources, Kosovo recent history, Kosovo's history, global reaction, call to action.

Kosovo: War, Health of the State - An extensive set of links to anti-war groups, protest events, information on Yugoslavia, and news of the Balkan war, compiled by a very concerned Canadian against the NATO bombing.

Give peace a chance. Stop the war now - Each cruise missile that is launched could have built a dozen schools or hired another hundred teachers or provided health care to a thousand people. Those millions of dollars could have been spent saving lives and educating children. Every night, Clinton isn't just bombing Yugoslavia, he's bombing you.

NATO Aggression - The results of NATO strikes on Yugoslavia to show people how they....

Yugoslavia, Kosovo and NATO - Articles about Yugoslavia, Kosovo, and NATO strikes.

The truth of this war - It gives the truth about the war in Serbia. Even with half in Dutch it still contains a lot of information for people who don`t know anything - or not much. Or people who want to know everything.

THE YUGOSITE - My Greek site is dedicated to the people of Servia and is against NATO. Albanian hackers keep away from my site. My site it's not against you, it's against NATO. Finally respect the freedom of speach.

Nato Yugoslavia War Internet Resources - Nato Yugoslavia War Internet Resources - prezentacija za sve NOVOSADISTE i ostale ljude dobre volje

Paranoia - Sarkastic anti-NATO page, some pics and links, currently only in Czech language, but still under construction.

Ruki proc ot Yugoslavii! - AntiNATO site created by Siberian musicians. Russian (win-1251) only.

Organizacija Srpskih Studenata u Inostranstvu - Organizacija Srpskih Studenata u Inostranstvu

Official web site-City of Sabac - Official web site-City of Sabac-daily news, articles, links, photographs

War in Yugoslavia - The site contains various photomaterial, documents and anti-war satire on the ongoing war in Yugoslavia.

WAR info - Najnovije informacije o napdima NATO

Yugoslavia: What the media won't tell you - A Greek Anti-NATO site. For Balkan unity. Against the new world oorder. For the military defeat of NATO. Texts in English, Greek and soon French.

Prezentacija clanova MENSE Jugoslavije - Dragi clanovi i prijatelji Mense. Jugoslavija je napadnuta i zasuta bombama i raketama. Necemo objasnjavati politicke razloge, jer je Mensa apoliticna organizacija. Ipak jedan od osnovnih ciljeva svake Mense je mir u svetu. I mi se zalazemo da se svaki konflikt resava mirnim putem. Na ovoj stranici mozete pogledati isecke iz novina, fotografije i tekstove koji se

Welcome to the War zone - Sounds from Belgrade. AIR RAID ALARM, and so.

Stop NATO, Stop World War III - This is my try to make people all over the world think a litle, to look with their brains too, not only with their eyes.... Plenty of people suporting NATO agression on Yougoslavia, blindly belives in whatever their media says... This is my try to help them understand why is Yugoslavia defending it self.

TARGET - Medijska borba protiv NATO agresora! Azurne vesti iz YU.
Petar's Kosovo Page - The truth about Kosovo, with an open letter to the US and its NATO allies, and more
Shockwave target - A Shockwave Target for your website
Stop The Genocide - War is where the other side shoots back. This is slaughter. Stop the bombing of Yugoslavia. Stop the bombing of Iraq. Stop the sanctions
Stop the War - Anti-war site based in the UK
ZephyrGrrl - 3am Lunacy - my PEACE of creativity..
Krasnaya's Critical Mass - This site is Anti-Milosevic, Anti-NATO, Anti-KLA, Pro-Democracy and for a restored Federal Republic of Yugoslavia organized along Multi-Ethnic lines. Also, Marxism-Leninism, Freethought, Union Organizing, Political Discussions, WebTV, Chess, Tea... lots of great links! More.
Balkans are Cool - Used to be a selection of the best Balkan sites. Now, we cover the latest news about Kosovo crisis.
clinton in contempt - How can we believe a man who has lied to us all?. A man who has no morals to his own country!!
Crisis in the Balkans - A Socialist Analysis - This site opposes NATO's imperialist aggresion against Yugoslavia. The break-up of Yugoslavia was completely reactionary. The only alternative is a Socialist Federation of the Balkans
STOPPT DEN KRIEG! - Anti-war-site of the Hamburg organization of the German Communist Party (DKP) with news, dates for protest actions and links
CENTnet TARGET - antiwar site - Anti war site, dealing primarily with Nis and South Serbia; stop the war, stop the bombings, peace in the Balkans.
Kosovo Crisis Page - This outstanding page offers the reasons behind the NATO aggression in the Balkans, and why it is wrong. Comprehensive links include news, commentary, opinion, an historical research section, and plenty of maps.
WAR IN THE BALKANS - War in the Balkans. Are the US really interested in the fate of Albanian Kossovars. Do the bombings achieve their
Support for Yugoslavia - With our site we want to speak out our support for all people in Yugoslavia, and to offer a forum to exchange opinions, views of the situation and news. (Chat, message board and email). We need as much voices as possible against NATO!
The Truth About the Serbs and Yugoslavia - Combatting misinformation about the Serbs and FRY--Opposition to NATO aggression
The Pleasure Dome - The Warbook Database, links to lots of sites about NATO, texts about the agression written by intelectuals and other sensible people around the world...
nato - new albanian terrorist organization - mistake: kosovo is problem and nato is solution; fact /true: nato is problem and kosovo is solution;
ZUB Homepage: Stop NATO - An ANTI-nato page trying to fing out objective information with links to both neutral and NATO/YU propagandistic pages.
Kosovo and Metohia Facts - Here are some lies, half truths and not reported facts by ‘independent media’ well co-ordinated by ‘democratic’ crusaders.
Red Balloon - A Yugoslav Green's Appeal to Stop the Bom - Green voices speak louder than bombs!
World Act Now - Truth about U.S./NATO conspiracy and wider plan of destabilization ...., analyses, commentary, appeals, maps, black humor, history, statistics, poetry of war ...
Apel profesora Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu - Appeal to All Who Believe in Rule of Law
Medija klub Crne Gore - Daily news from Montenegro
THE LOST WEBSITE - An Information Oasis - Many Anti-War links, A launch pad for international news, radio, shortwave, tv, environmental information and more!
AntiNATO action - boycott of goods, inforesistance, and - AntiNATO action - boycott of goods, inforesistance, and other...(russian language)
Demonstracije Srba u Washington DC - Ovo je web site sa izvestajima i slikama sa demonstracijama Srba u Washington DC. Site redovno ubacuje nove informacije i slike posle demonstracija.
World Against Yugoslavia and Yugoslavian People - World Against Yugoslavia
You can STOP the Criminal Bombs falling on the people o - This will send an E-mail message with the text below to the NATO website with a request to STOP the bombing of Yugoslavia. This is NOT a political site, asking what you think about the situation or who is guilty or not. This is a PEACEFUL protest to end the violent actions by NATO, bombing the beautiful COUNTRY of Yugoslavia and the PEOPLE who live there and have nothing to do with the situati
cartoons (comix, caricature) about the war - caricatures
NATO Agression !!! - Revealing the truth about NATO's intensions to occupy a sovereign state.
The Kosovo crisis - A site with an impartial view of the crisis, showing news, photo's, quotes and lots of links to various Serbian, Albanian and Western sites.
ALITSUK MEG A NATO TAMADASOKAT SZERBIA ELLEN - Linkovi sajtova koji podrzavaju Srbiju
NATO BOMBS: KOSOVO KRISIS - I do not believe that bombs are capable of resolving political and ethnic conflicts. After a while I got really sick and tired of the NATO propaganda campaign. So I decided to create this page. The goal is to present key facts about the Kosovo(a) crisis, links to various sites of interest. Read, think and decide for yourself.
Nader Idkeidek's Home Page - One Yugoslavia , Down with NATO
Truth about Serbia - Lots of pictures, some letters of support and a funny mpeg about Clinton
ILoveYU - Welcome to, web site written by Yugoslavs for Yugoslavs and for the World. The intention of this site is to be a focal point for information that can shed more light on current crisis in Yugoslavia. Information here presented is compiled by a large number of contributors scattered around the world. It is our intention to make it as objective as possible.
Zvanicni web site Kriznog staba grada Beograda - Zvanicni web site Kriznog staba grada Beograda. Up date iz minuta u minut - Information about Yugoslavia, links to yugoslav media and news sites,links to suport sites for stop nato campaign.
STOP THE WAR NOW - NATO stop the war now.Stop the bombing. The voice from Greece.
Novi Sad - How Novi Sad looked like before NATO's bombs.
Stop the Lunatics! - Stop NATO Aggression on sovereign country Yugoslavia.
Eurasian Anti-Imperialist Resource Center - Site dedicated to the planetary struggle against American/NATO/New World Order imperialism and to countering the lies in the Western media.
Academic Information Network - Faced with aggression NATO made against our country, we, members of Yugoslav academic community, decided to start Internet based information service. Basic AIM of our service is to help to all honest and patriotic people all over the world in better understanding of events that affect our country. In following days you will be able to find more information that can be helpfull du
AN Team - Serbia News - This site is dedicated to truth about Serbia
STOP THE BOMBING - The truth concerning the situation in the Balkans, and how you can help - with online petitions, campaign guides and forums. Military action only serves to inflame the situation.
Alternative information about the NATO war - Collection of texts and links that offer an alternative view about the NATO war against Yugoslavia
Liternet - new serbian poetry - mesecni webzin za novu srpsku poeziju tekstovi, prikazi knjiga, antologija
Vrsac - Zvanicna prezentacija grada Vrsca. Prikaz istorijskih, kulturnih i privrednih vrednosti grada.
Novi Sad
VOJVODINA - Prezentacija Vojvodine u funkciji informisanja tokom agresije.
STOP NATO AGRESSION ON SERBIA!!! - Site podrzava nashu borbu protiv agresora ali ne podrzava komuniste.
Srpski protest u Milwaukee, USA - Kratak opis i fotografije sa mitinga protiv NATO agresije na Jugoslaviju, odrzanog u Milwaukee drzava Wisconsin, u Subotu 27. Marta 1999.
International Discussion Club - Moscow - IDC is a Russia-Belarus voluntary youth NGO. IDC is NOT a debating society. We work for environment, human rights and any forms of international cooperation. Most succefsul projects - international youth seminars, international election observation in Russia, participation in creating Arboretum in Novorossiysk.
Serbs OnLine - Detroit - Detroit Serbs protest Nato aggression in Yugoslavia. Site uodated regularly.
Alert! - This is the home of Alert! Webring
Letter from Novi Sad - Come here and see what's reactions on
Pretraga i prezentovanje - Site about how to make more visits on the site. At this moment it is site against NATO aggression.
NY Transfer News - Radical Online News Service since 1985. Completely noncommercial & independent. See Eastern Europe and Activist Politics for a good selection of news on the US-NATO war. We provide radical news, internet access, consulting and online publishing services. Since 1988 we have trained hundreds of progressive groups to use the internet. See also:
Stop the Genocide - There is one crime against humanity in this last decade of the millennium that exceeds all others in its magnitude, cruelty and portent. It is the US-forced sanctions against the twenty million people of Iraq... If the UN participates in such genocidal sanctions backed by the threat of military violence --and if the people of the world fail to prevent such conduct -- the violence,terror and hu
Berkeley Coalition to Stop the War in the Balkans - A website for UC Berkeley students and others in coalition against the US/NATO war in the Balkans
Stop The Madness - The Campaign for US/NATO Withdrawal - Stop The Madness! Join the online campaign to end the assault on Serbia. Place the target logo on your website to show your support for the Yugoslavian people.
YU222 Revija - YU222 - JUTUTUTU elektronska anti-NATO revija za ocuvanje morala i snage za obnovu veze i ljubavi u svetu mrznje i razdvajanja
BG-OnLine - This is i-site which will guide you through the war against the NATO aggrassion in the REAL TIME. Here you can find news, mailing list, photos, real-time news from Belgrade and Serbia, links, analyses, stories and much, much more.
Mozda je sutra tvoja zemlja na redu - Ratni izvestaci rade punom snagom sa trenutno najvrelijeg podrucja na planeti. Svi mediji su puni informacija o vojnim i medijskim napadima NATO-a na Jugoslaviju. U sredistu svih dogadjanja je COVEK. Sta ON oseca, sta vidi, misli i kaze. Ovaj sajt je posveζen COVEKU. Tebi. Sta NATO radi COVEKU, LJUDIMA? Da li je COVECANSTVO svesno NATO opasnosti? PRIDRUZI SE - Site containing some articles and interesting sound bits.
Petition for Peace in Yugoslavia - Petition you can sign on-line calling on U.S. officials to halt the bombing, drop food for refugees hiding in Kosovo hills, and arrest Milosevic for war crimes.
the War of Hicus - For Peace in the World at the beginning of century!
Outpost of Freedom -- Waco II - Serbia - Comparing the US government's actions in Waco and Yugoslavia. The same deceit, lies and methods used to murder 80 people in Waco, Texas are now being used to murder hundreds in Yugoslavia.
Kosovo: NATO's Folly - From Toronto Canada... an analysis of the NATO bombing campaign, from a Political Scientist at the University of Toronto. The bombing is against international law... find out why. Also, links to other information sources on the current conflict.
Calling for Peace - The purpose of this site is to offer a series of reflections on NATO’s air strikes against Yugoslavia as well as an alternate perspective of the conflict in the Balkans. Here you will find texts written by Randall Major, an American citizen who lives with his wife and two children in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.
G&B Stop the lies Web - This Web Site is dedicated to our parents, family, friends and countrymen how are living under insane NATO’s bombing for months now. Goran & Bojan
Networks Lab-Dept. of Electronics-TEI of Piraeus - The site presents facts and links related to the criminal attack of NATO against Yugoslavia. It expresses 97% of the Greek people who oppose the NATO attack and ignores the rest 3%. The Networks Laboratory keeps also a mirror site of the University of Nis.
Truth about war in Yugoslavia - Truth about war in Yugoslavia Rambouillet, Related documents, comments opinions.
World Today - The World these days is a pretty chaotic place, hatred growing anywhere you turn.My strong belief is that media is to blame for most of it, as it's become a dirty weapon in hands of wrong people. But, that's why people come here to get their daily dose of truth and I'll be happy to provide you with some...
Hellenic Volleyball On-Line - Reaction has been strong in the Greek volleyball community to the continuing aggression of NATO against Serbia and the official website of the Hellenic Volleyball Federation now has a special page devoted to these reactions.
Czech and Slovak nation together against NATO agression - This WEB page is the first common WEB page of Czechs and Slovaks, who are strictly against any kind of war or imposing of a political or other opinion by using brutal force.
NATO AGRESIJA - Najnovije vesti, obilje fotografija, linkova i pisama nasih sugradjana iz zemlje i inostranstva


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