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Fauzia's Pakistani Recipes - The Extraordinary Taste of Pakistan

Broccoli Salad Recipe


  • 1 bunch of Broccoli (separated into small florets)
  • 1 head of Cauliflower (Phool Gobhi) (separated into small florets)
  • ½ cup of Red Onion (Lal Pyaz) (chopped)
  • 1 cup of Raisins (Kishmish)
  • ½ cup of Sunflower Seeds (Sooraj Mujhi Ke Beej) or Pecans (Akhrot) (chopped)

Ingredients For Dressing:

  • 1 cup of Mayonnaise
  • ½ cup of Sugar
  • 1/3 cup of Vinegar (Sirka)
  • ½ cup of Vegetable Oil

  1. Mix the first five ingredients together; pour dressing over and mix to blend. Prepare at least 2 hours in advance.

Yield: 10-12 Servings
Degree of Difficulty: Easy
Recipe Category: Salad
Recipe Ethnic Group: American

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Recipe Printed from (Fauzia's Pakistani Recipes)