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This is for the angel that I would
never get to know because that
is just what you are to me,
an angel, and I guess that is
the only way that I can
think of you, as a little
angel that was the sweetest thing
in my life, and still is
until the day I die.

I know that this web page
is going to upset some members
of my family, but you know
what, I don't care anymore
because you are my child,
and I would love to find
you before I die. I just
need to fill a void in my life.
I know that my children would
love to know their brother
because they know that you are
out there some where. I have something
that has been eating at my heart
for a very long time and
I can't think of a better time
than now to get this out in the open.

On April 15,1956 there was
a little boy born and his
name was Francis Gerard, and what
a beautiful little boy he was,
there was only one problem and
that was he wouldn't be mine
to raise for the rest of his
life because you see back in 1956
it was unheard of to have
a baby and not be married.
My parents rushed me off to a
Catholic Charities
home for unwed mothers
and I stayed there for the whole
nine months that I carried this
sweet little boy.

I was so happy to have
little Francis Gerard. As I
said before the problem was that
he wouldn't be mine for very long,
because you see I would have
to give him up for adoption
because my parents wouldn't
let me keep this sweet little boy.
  The worst time of my life was
when I had to sign those papers
so that he could be adopted.

I have thought about him from
the day he was born and
always wondered if he had the
good life that I wanted for him.
My son, I hope they treated you
the way I would have if
I were able to keep you.

I would like for you my
sweet Francis Gerard to know
that you have always been on
my mind from the day you
were born in a Washington D.C.
hospital and then went to
Catholic Charities until you
were adopted which was about
three months after you were born.
You probably were adopted by a
Catholic or Jewish family
because your mother was Catholic
and your father was Jewish.
If you are adopted and looking
for your biological family and were
born on April 15,1956 ,
you could very well be my son.

I want you to know that
I loved you so very much,
but I knew that I couldn't
take care of you on my own
because at that time I wasn't
working and couldn't care for you.
I have forgiven my parents
for not helping me out so
that I could keep you, but
they where too proud to admit
that their daughter had a
baby and wasn't married. I just
needed to let you know that
I still think about you and
wonder what kind of man you have
become and if you have
a wife and children.

I will tell you that you
have two-half brothers 33 and 22
and a half-sister 35,
and you would love them as
much as I love you.

Your grandmother is 93 and your
grandfather died years ago.
Please forgive me for not
being able to care for you.
I will tell you that I
have loved you all your life
even if you didn't know it.

All My Love Your Biological Mom

If you think you may be
my biological son then

Read Sign

Kim I want to thank you
for this page and all the
good work you have done

the rest of my site here