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undefined Kempner Church of Christ
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Kempner Church of Christ

The Kempner Church of Christ is located in Kempner, Texas. This is your special invitation to visit and worship with us at the Kempner Church of Christ. We would consider it an honor if you would come and be with us. You may be wondering why we are interested in you, right? We are interested in you because we recognize your value and that you are an important person. You are made in the image of God (Gen. 1: 26, 27), you are worth more than the world (Matt. 16:26), and the Lord loves you and gave his Son for you (John 3:16). We are looking forward to having you with us!! Yes, you are important and we want to help you reach your full potential in Christ. MAKE PLANS NOW TO COME AND BE WITH US!!!

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God's Plan for Man's Salvation

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You are visitor number since March 17, 2003

Kempner Church of Christ
PO Box 194
Kempner, TX 76539
Phon3: 254-289-9457