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Stairway To Heaven

The stairway to Heaven is our ultimate goal.
The road to get there is a tough row to hoe.
Temptation lurks at every turn;
So many life lessons for us to learn.

The road is long and winding;
The mountains to climb are steep.
Wrong turns pose a sentence;
For what we sow is what we reap.

Life's journey becomes more bearable;
The stairway comes into view.
With Jesus right beside us,
To guide us and tell us what to do.

When we reach the stairway to Heaven,
What a glorious day it will be.
We'll thank God for giving us Jesus,
And thank Jesus for helping us see.

Author:  Lillian Marie Wager
Copyright 2001

Artwork used with permission.

Right click icon for sound options
(requires the Crescendo plug-in module)