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96 Count   2 wall     Start on LEFT foot Very repetitive  Choreographed by Jan Wylie

 Music “Beautiful Meath”   by Mary Duff on CD   “Favourites”



 1 - 24

Step fwd L, tap,scuff,  Step fwd R tap scuff, Waltz fwd and back, waltz fwd half turn, waltz back on R,  Step L fwd touch R and hold, Step R fwd, touch L and hold.

 *25- 48

Repeat  1 - 24

 49 - 72

Step L across R, point R at side, hold, angle body to L, do R, L, R, * Waltz L across R (turn1/4L), waltz back on R making 3/4 turn L, waltz fwd LRL, step back R slide hold.

73 - 96

Diagonal steps BACK L (2 stomps on R and 2 claps),  R, L, R,  * Waltzes 1/4 and 3/4 and step back on R touch L toe beside as before.


RESTART at * on wall 3