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Easy 32 count4 wall Beginner dance with Oldies music and a good finish and less than 3 minutes.Starts after 32 counts, directly on vocals.“The tears.I....”

1- 8
Diagonal at 45,R lock Rbrush Ldiagonal at 45L lock Lbrush R
9 - 16
Toe strut at R side R (1,2)L side (3,4)middle R (5,6)beside R (7,8)
17 - 24 
R side and cross hold.L side and crosshold
25 - 32
Step R pivot turn L and step LRholdStep L 3/4 R turnstep R Lrest
Finishes on Front wall, on beat 16 with the 4 toe struts.Takes no brain power at all.Easy fill in.Also takes little energy.

Enjoy Da Ridge:)