for Syd and Ann Dillon His favourite music, and she likes it too.
Music Where
My Heart Will Take Me by Russell Watson from either
of his albums.
“The Voice” or “Encore”.
Choreographed by Gay O’Reilly
Level Easy Intermediate One wall Dance
Original position Weight on left leg, Start all beginning parts A, B and C on right foot, front wall. This dance is in three parts to fit the music’s three vocal sections, with an easy roll and/or hip sway tag added to join the parts. A, B C and tags, but slow, smooth and easy glides with touches. Feet close to floor at all times
PART A to dance to
the part beginning “It’s been a long ....”. 64 steps.
Starts on word “long”
2 beat intro.
1 - 8 Sweep fwd R, (2 counts), sweep fwd L, (2 counts), rock fwd on R, rock back on L, half turn onto R hold
9 - 16 Sweep fwd L (2 counts), sweep fwd R (2 counts), rock fwd on L, back onto R, half turn onto L (hold)
17 - 24 Rock sideways onto R (2 counts), back onto L,(2 counts), full rolling turn RLR, hold,
25 - 32 Rock sideways onto L, (2 counts), back onto R (2 counts), 3/4 rolling turn to face 3 o’clock wall LRL , hold.
33 - 40 Step R to R side, step L behind R, Cross R over L, step L to L side, (4 counts), R coaster back RLR. hold
41 - 48 Step L to L side, step R behind L, Cross L over R, step R to R side, (4 counts), L coaster back LRL hold
49 - 56 Diagonal to R R lock R (hold) Diagonal to L L lock L (hold)
57 - 64 Fwd mambo step (RLR)
hold, 1/4turn L long slide L to L drag R to L to
PART B to dance to part beginning “Cos I’ve got Faith in the Heart” Twice fits in this part first at front wall, second at back wall 32 steps each . Step down on word “faith” (Long steps for first 16 counts)
1 - 8 Long glide R fwd drag L, long glide L fwd drag R.. fwd R tog., back R tog
9 - 16 Long glide R fwd drag L, long glide L fwd drag R. fwd R tog, back R tog
17 - 24 (Weave travelling L) Cross R over L, step L to L, cross R behind L, sweep L foot to L side, (travelling R), cross L behind R, step R to R, cross L over R. sweep R fwd
25 - 32 Rock R over L.(hold), step back onto L and 1/2 turn and step fwd on R. Rock L over R (hold), step back onto R and step L onto L
REPEAT PART B from back wall.
TAG (1,2,3 and 4) Rock sides R, L, full rolling vine RLR.
(5,6,7 and 8) Rock side L, R, full rolling vine LRL (1,2,3 and 4, 5,6,7and 8)
Rock hips RLRL for 4 counts slide foot ready for Part A again
PART A sweeps
PART B PART B and straight into TAG
TAG full rolling vine RLR. (1 and 2) hips 3,4,5 Weight on L Bring R ready for Part C
1 - 8 Skate fwd R (1,2) skate fwd L (3,4) diagonally R, step R lock R. hold
9 - 16 Skate fwd L (1,2) skate fwd R (3,4), diagonally L, step L lock L (hold)
17 - 24 Fwd on R back onto L and 1/4 turn to L cross R over L hold Continuing to L roll right LRL hold
25 - 32 R behind L, L to side and cross R over L, (hold), Rock L to Side, weight onto R and cross L over R (hold)
33 - 40 R to R side , step L together, forward R (hold), step L to L side, step R rogether and step L fwd (hold)
41 - 48 Rock fwd R, back on L, 1/4 turn to R slide R to R, slide L to R (41-44) slide L to L side, bring R to touch at L, full rolling turn to R, R,L,R (45,46 47 and 48)
Tag sway hips L,R,L slide R ready for Part B
TAG full rolling vine RLR. (1 and 2) hips L,R,L (3,4,5) Weight on L ready for ending
Ending 4 beats. for the words “It’s a long ...” Step fwd R, L (1,2), large step back on R, drag L toe to touch.(3,4)
for Ann
The Ridge still calls it