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64   Count   4 wall linedance with a restart  at **** during the 2nd and 4th sequences (hard to hear) and a tag at the end of the 3rd sequence  Starts after 32 counts and a whole sequence is done before the lyrics.


Sequence 1  starts 32 counts into music and finishes before the lyrics

Sequence 2  restart at *** 48 counts in after coaster step

Sequence 3  finish and 8 count tag of  Side shuffle, rock .  Side shuffle, rock,

Sequence 4  restart at *** 48 counts in after coaster step


Start after 32 counts of instrumental  Weight on Left, start on Right.




 1 -  8

 9 -  16

R dorothy, L dorothy, fwd back and coaster step

L dorothy, R dorothy, fwd back and coaster step

 17 - 24

Rock side R, recover, cross shuffle, 1/2 turn stepping L,R,  shuffle fwd L,R,L

 25 - 32

Travelling R,  side, behind, ball cross, touch R, ball cross, step R, 1/4 turn R, back  L coaster step

 33 - 40

Cross R & heel & flick & heel (1&2&3&4) & cross L & heel & flick & L heel   (HARD)

& 40 - 48

And cross R, Rock, side shuffle, rock L fwd, back and L coaster step  ***

49 - 56

Rock R recover (centre), hinge step back recover (centre), rock R recover (centre) R cross shuffle

 57 -64

Rock L recover (centre), hinge step back recover (centre), rock L recover (centre) L cross shuffle




Facing back wall, dance 1-4 and rock fwd R, back and 1/2 turn shuffle to the front.