SONG: "Boys From The Bush"
ARTIST: Lee Kernaghan
DESCRIPTION: 52 beat, 2 wall dance
CHOREOGRAPHER: Trevor Smith, Perth, W A Oct 97
Mustangs Bootscoot Dance Co
Phone : [08] 9457 8380 Fax : [08] 9354 4767
Email : mustangs@nw.com.au
Beats: Steps:
1-2 R 45 heel tap, raise R foot up behind & slap heel with L hand
3-4 R 45 heel tap, step R foot in beside L
5-6 L 45 heel tap, raise L foot up behind & slap heel with R hand
7-8 L 45 heel tap, touch L foot in beside R
9-10 Step L onto L foot, step R foot across behind L
11-12 Step L onto L foot, stomp R foot in beside L
13-14 Chicken shuffle
15-16 Chicken shuffle
17-18 Step R onto R foot, step L foot across behind R
19 Commence a 1/2 turn R as you step R onto R foot
20 Complete the 1/2 turn R with a L toe touch in beside R foot
21-22 Chicken shuffle
23-24 Chicken shuffle
25-26 R 45 heel tap and replace
27-28 L 45 heel tap and replace
29-30 Swivel both heels together L, Swivel both heels together R
31-32 Swivel both heels together L, Swivel both heels together back to centre
33-34 Step R onto R foot, step L foot across behind R
35-36 Commence 1/2 turn R as you step R onto R foot, complete turn with
a L hitch
37-38 Step L onto L foot , step R foot across behind L
39-40 Commence 1/2 turn L as you step L onto L foot, complete turn with
a R hitch
41-42 Step forward onto R foot, lock L foot around R
43-44 Step forward onto R foot, stomp L foot in beside R
45-48 Double buttermilk [combination of buttermilk out, reverse buttermilk
reverse buttermilk in, buttermilk in ]
49-52 Four knee knocks
52 Begin Dance Again