32 Count, 4
Wall TWO RESTARTS on Walls 4 and
8 in instrumental section at **
“Reunited” by Lulu and Cliff Richards
(Album “Together”)
by M V Lobos
Beats |
Steps |
1,2, 3&4, 5&6, 7,8 |
Skate R, L
and shuffle Rock fwd L,
back and half turn onto L(5&6), half turn onto R (7) quarter turn
step L |
3,4 5&6,
7&8 |
Cross shuffle (R-L-R) Rock side L, recover quarter turn
L sailor, touch R toe AND cross L over R ** |
3,4 5&6,
7&8 |
Side shuffle
R, large step to L, touch R toe behind and click fingers Quarter turn
L, R back lock back, Step L to side, cross
R, touch L toe to side (7&8) |
1&2&3&4 5&6,
7,8 |
Weave to R... L across, side, behind, side, in front,, rock onto R, L
to L R across,
half turn R and step (R-L-R),
Large step L to side, touch R behind, click |